Monday 18 June 2018

Python - Split PDF into single page SVG files by shelling Inkscape

So if you have been the last few posts you know I want to get data out of a PDF file (in this case a Bank of England Inflation Report). The python library PyPDF2 is good and will split a pdf into separate pages. No doubt, PyPDF2 will do a ton of other stuff to manipulate pdf files. However, I find the pdf file format is difficult to understand which limits how much I want to use a pdf python library. Instead, I have found that Inkscape converts PDFs to SVGs and that we can automate this on the command line.

This means I am in a position to give the latest version of a program which breaks up a PDF file into separate SVG files for each page. (You'll need Inkscape installed). Here it is...

# with thanks to user26294 at Stack Overflow

from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader

def DecryptPdf(pdfFileReader,password):
    if pdfFileReader.isEncrypted:
            print ('File decrypted')
        except Exception as e:
            print ('File decryption failed:' + str(e))
        print ('File not enrypted')

def SuffixFilename(fileName, suffix):
    import os.path
    filePath = os.path.split(fileName)
    filePath2 = filePath[1].split('.')
    return  filePath[0] + '\' +filePath2[0] + suffix + '.' + filePath2[1]

def OutputPage(pdfFileNameSrc,pdfFileNamePage, pageNum):
    pdfFileSrc = open(pdfFileNameSrc, "rb")
    pdfFileReaderSrc = PdfFileReader(pdfFileSrc)
    pageOutput = PdfFileWriter()

    with open(pdfFileNamePage, "wb") as outputStream:
        print('written page%s' % pageNum)
    pdfFileSrc.close #tidy up

def InkscapePdfToSvg(pdfFileName):
    import subprocess 
    completed =['c:/Progra~1/Inkscape/Inkscape.exe',
            '-f', pdfFileName , 
            '-l', svgFileName])

    return svgFileName

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    pdfFileNameInflation = "C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\pdf_skunkworks\inflation-report-may-2018.pdf"
    pdfFileInflation = open(pdfFileNameInflation, "rb")

    pdfFileReaderInflation = PdfFileReader(pdfFileInflation)

    pageCount = pdfFileReaderInflation.numPages

    for i in range(pageCount):
        pdfFileNamePage=SuffixFilename(pdfFileNameInflation,"-page%s" % i)
        print (InkscapePdfToSvg(pdfFileNamePage))

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