So lots of code samples on this blog and it is necessary to list the Tools->References required for reader to add to compile the sample. I have to write this so often I've chosen to write a helper function. Might as well share. It actually lists for the whole project so the output might need editing. Common libraries like VBA, Excel etc. are excluded from output because they are given.
Option Explicit
Function ToolsReferences() As String
Dim oRefs As Object 'VBIDE.References
Set oRefs = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
Dim dicLines As Object
Set dicLines = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicLines.Add dicLines.Count, "'* Tools->References"
Dim vRefLoop As Variant
For Each vRefLoop In oRefs
Dim oRef As Object 'VBIDE.Reference
Set oRef = vRefLoop
If VBA.InStr(1, "|VBA|Office|stdole|Word|Excel|", "|" & oRef.Name & "|", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
dicLines.Add dicLines.Count, "'" & oRef.Name & vbTab & oRef.Description & vbTab & oRef.FullPath
End If
Next vRefLoop
ToolsReferences = VBA.Join(dicLines.Items, vbNewLine)
End Function
Thank you for posting this.