Thursday 4 January 2018

IE VBA Webscraping - resorting to the ScriptEngine and using Javascript

Another SO webscraping question, this time a bounty. The given web page is seriously unfriendly and won't be scripted giving Nulls and crashing. In the end I resorted to writing the logic as a JavaScript program running on the ScriptEngine.

Option Explicit

'*    Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'*    Microsoft Scripting Control
'*    Microsoft Internet Controls
'*    Microsoft HTML Object Library

Sub Torrent_Data()
    Dim row As Long
    Dim IE As New InternetExplorer, html As HTMLDocument
    Dim post As Object

    With IE
        .Visible = True
        .navigate ""
        Do While .readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE:
        Set html = .document
    End With

    Dim dicFilms As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dicFilms = New Scripting.Dictionary

    Call GetScriptEngine.Run("getMovies", html, dicFilms)
    Dim vFilms As Variant
    vFilms = dicFilms.Keys
    Dim vYears As Variant
    vYears = dicFilms.Items
    Dim lRowLoop As Long
    For lRowLoop = 0 To dicFilms.Count - 1
        Cells(lRowLoop + 1, 1) = vFilms(lRowLoop)
        Cells(lRowLoop + 1, 2) = vYears(lRowLoop)
    Next lRowLoop

End Sub

Private Function GetScriptEngine() As ScriptControl
    '* see code from this SO Q & A
    Static soScriptEngine As ScriptControl
    If soScriptEngine Is Nothing Then
        Set soScriptEngine = New ScriptControl
        soScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"

        soScriptEngine.AddCode "function getMovies(htmlDocument, microsoftDict) { " & _
                                    "var titles = htmlDocument.querySelectorAll('a.browse-movie-title'), i;" & _
                                    "var years = htmlDocument.querySelectorAll('div.browse-movie-year'), j;" & _
                                    "if ( years.length === years.length) {" & _
                                    "for (i=0; i< years.length; ++i) {" & _
                                    "   var film = titles[i].innerText;" & _
                                    "   var year = years[i].innerText;" & _
                                    "   microsoftDict.Add(film, year);" & _

    End If
    Set GetScriptEngine = soScriptEngine
End Function

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