Saturday 2 November 2019

Video - Parsing an Mpeg file with VBA (Redux)

In this post I read an Mpeg (.MP4) file and write the results to an Xml file using VBA (and a little help from Python).

So this is a rewrite, previously I wrote this program and used user defined types to record the state but I was unhappy with this because I would have needed to write a load of gui code. In this rewrite I record the results to an Xml document and then let some xml pretty printing code place each element of a separate line nicely tabbed, I delivered this code in the previous blog post.

I don't have much to add, either you have a requirement to inspect mp4 files or you don't. There is little point me explaining mp4 files to those uninterested and uninitiated.

Please don't take this code and place in github and has happened with previous code. If in github then I don't get any traffic; if github changes policy on this then I will then use it. I also intend to use Github for upcoming work where I deliberately want to collaborate and enlist the help of others to achieve a task I have in mind. Please respect the intellectual property rights of this blog, thanks.

Source Modules

Firstly, the Python module which I needed for long numbers, this is to be called and needs to be run from the command line so that the COM class is registered (this needs administrator rights, so expect an elevation request if not running as adminstrator).

import pythoncom

class PythonBigNumbersComServer:
    _reg_progid_ = "PythonInVBA.PythonBigNumbersComServer"
    _reg_clsid_ = "{5AD66FCC-EFFC-4A78-B5B6-9A42C523272E}"  
    _public_methods_ = ['LongByteArrayToDecimalString']    

    def LongByteArrayToDecimalString(self, bytes):
        ret = 0 
        for byte in bytes:
            ret = ret * 256 + byte
        return str(ret) 

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import win32com.server.register

        import win32com.client
        bigNumbers = win32com.client.Dispatch("PythonInVBA.PythonBigNumbersComServer")
        #bigNumbers = PythonBigNumbersComServer()
        x = bytes('01', 'utf8')

        asDecimal = bigNumbers.LongByteArrayToDecimalString(x)
        print('asDecimal:' +  asDecimal)

    except Exception as e:
        print("Error : " + str(e) + "\n")

Next is the modXmlReports module given in the previous blog post.

Okay from here on all the code is VBA. So next is the DefinedSymbols class

DefinedSymbols Class

Option Explicit

'* Class Name: DefinedSymbols
'* Copyright 2nd November 2019
'* Requires Tools Reference
'*  Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'* Description:
'*  This class collaborates with modVLCSourceProcessor to read VLC Media Player C++ source file on github and
'*  scrapes four character codes identifiers found in mp4 files, such as moov, trak, trhd etc.
'*  The class then stores the results and services requests for atom identification whilst parsing an mp4 file
'* Notes:
'*  we have to categorise the identifiers into Brand, Atom, Handler and SampleGroup because otherwise we will
'*  get duplicates, this is why we have a nested dictionary to store the data.  The main code is only interested
'*  in atoms, however.
'*  Also, for each category, we maintain a map each way, i.e. two maps, because the four character codes can
'*  contain special characters which are not valid in C++ source code identifiers.
'*  This is a pain, but it is handled.
'*  To hide this complex state housing I invented this class

Private mdicMaps As New Scripting.Dictionary

'* Name:        AddMapEntry
'* Description: Abstracts the storage of categorise defined symbols maps.  This for loading
'*              the store of information.

Public Function AddMapEntry(ByVal sMap As String, ByVal sKey As String, ByVal sValue As String, ByVal sSourceLine As String) As Variant

    Dim vMaps As Variant
    vMaps = GetCategoryMap(sMap)
    Debug.Assert IsArray(vMaps)
    Dim dicMap As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dicMap = vMaps(0)
    Dim dicMapReverse As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dicMapReverse = vMaps(1)

    If Not dicMap.Exists(sKey) Then
        dicMap.Add sKey, sValue
        If Not dicMapReverse.Exists(sValue) Then
            dicMapReverse.Add sValue, sKey
            Debug.Print "duplicate item in line:" & sSourceLine
        End If
        If dicMap.Item(sKey) <> sValue Then
            Debug.Print "Symbol " & sKey & " defined twice to two different values (" & dicMap.Item(sKey) & "," & sValue & "):" & sSourceLine
        End If
    End If

End Function

'* Name:        LookupMapEntry
'* Description: Abstracts the storage of parent-child relationships in nested dictionaries.  This for loading
'*              the store of information.

Public Function LookupMapEntry(ByVal sMap As String, ByVal sKey As String, ByVal bReverse As Boolean) As Variant
    Dim vMaps As Variant
    vMaps = GetCategoryMap(sMap)
    Debug.Assert IsArray(vMaps)

    If bReverse Then
        Dim dicMap As Scripting.Dictionary
        Set dicMap = vMaps(1)
        Set dicMap = vMaps(0)
    End If
    If dicMap.Exists(sKey) Then
        LookupMapEntry = dicMap.Item(sKey)
    End If

End Function

Private Function GetCategoryMap(ByVal sMap As String)
    Dim dicMap As Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim dicMapReverse As Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim vMaps As Variant
    If Not mdicMaps.Exists(sMap) Then
        Set dicMap = New Scripting.Dictionary
        dicMap.CompareMode = BinaryCompare
        Set dicMapReverse = New Scripting.Dictionary
        dicMapReverse.CompareMode = BinaryCompare
        vMaps = Array(dicMap, dicMapReverse)
        mdicMaps.Add sMap, vMaps
        vMaps = mdicMaps.Item(sMap)
    End If
    GetCategoryMap = vMaps
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    mdicMaps.CompareMode = BinaryCompare
End Sub

Next is the BoxFunctionTable class

BoxFunctionTable class

Option Explicit

'* Class Name: BoxFunctionTable
'* Copyright 2nd November 2019
'* Requires Tools Reference
'*  Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'* Description:
'*  This class collaborates with modVLCSourceProcessor to read VLC Media Player C++ source file on github and
'*  scrapes parent-child relationships between atoms defined in the box function block of code
'*  The class then stores the results and services requests for possible children atoms for a given parent
'*  To hide this complex state housing I invented this class

Private mdicChildrenOfParents As New Scripting.Dictionary

'* Name:        RecordAParentsPotentialChild
'* Description: Abstracts the storage of parent-child relationships in nested dictionaries.  This for loading
'*              the store of information.
Friend Function RecordAParentsPotentialChild(ByVal sParentAtom As String, ByVal sChildAtom As String)
    Dim dicChildrenOfAParent As Scripting.Dictionary
    If Not mdicChildrenOfParents.Exists(sParentAtom) Then
        Set dicChildrenOfAParent = New Scripting.Dictionary
        mdicChildrenOfParents.Add sParentAtom, dicChildrenOfAParent
        Set dicChildrenOfAParent = mdicChildrenOfParents.Item(sParentAtom)
    End If
    Debug.Assert Not dicChildrenOfAParent.Exists(sChildAtom)
    dicChildrenOfAParent.Add sChildAtom, Empty

End Function

'* Name:        RecordAParentsPotentialChild
'* Description: For a given parent atom will return a list (ass Dictionary) of potential child atoms.
'*              This for reading the store of information.
Public Function ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary(ByVal sParentAtom As String) As Scripting.Dictionary
    'Debug.Assert mdicChildrenOfParents.Exists(sParentAtom)
    If mdicChildrenOfParents.Exists(sParentAtom) Then
        Set ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary = mdicChildrenOfParents.Item(sParentAtom)
        Set ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary = New Scripting.Dictionary
    End If
End Function

'* Name:        AddBoxFunction
'* Description: A wrapper to RecordAParentsPotentialChild; this is called whilst reading
'*              the VLC C++ source code
Public Function AddBoxFunction(ByVal sAtom As String, ByVal sFunctionName As String, _
        ByVal sParentAtom As String, ByVal sSrcLine As String) As Variant
    Dim sAtom2 As String, sParentAtom2 As String
    sAtom2 = AtomFourCC(sAtom)
    sParentAtom2 = AtomFourCC(sParentAtom)
    Call RecordAParentsPotentialChild(sParentAtom2, sAtom2)

End Function

Private Function AtomFourCC(ByVal sAtom As String) As String
    '* this strips the identifier of leading prefixes to give
    '* the core four character identifier
    If sAtom = "0" Then
        AtomFourCC = ""
        Debug.Assert Left$(sAtom, 5) = "ATOM_"
        AtomFourCC = Mid$(sAtom, 6)
    End If
End Function

That is the classes done. So now three more modules. Next is the modVLCSourceProcessor module

modVLCSourceProcessor module

Option Explicit
Option Private Module

'* Module Name: modVLCSourceProcessor
'* Copyright 2nd November 2019
'* Other class and module dependencies:
'*  BoxFunctionTable, DefinedSymbols
'* Description:
'*  This modules reads the VLC Media Player C++ sources file on github and scrapes
'*  (1) four character codes identifiers found in mp4 files, such as moov, trak, trhd etc.
'*  (2) parent-child relationships between atoms defined in the box function block of code
'* Other comments:
'*  Ordinarily requires internet access to call out to github, to get the files
'*  (a) modules\demux\libmp4.h  and
'*  (b) modules\demux\libmp4.c
'*  however it is possible to work with a local copies
'*  copy in libmp4.h and libmp4.c into a module in this workbook called srcLibMp_h and srcLibMp_c
'*  please comment it out the code (it is C++ and so will not compile obvs)
'*  then add a conditional compilation constant VLCLOCAL=1

'* Name:        ReadVLCSource
'* Description: This module's sole entry point.  Call here to read the VLC media player source files from github.
'*              Plus we added some extra parent-child realtionships not found in VLC media player source.
'* Returns    : an instance of BoxFunctionTable class which can service requests regarding parent-child
'*              relationships and an instance of DefinedSymbols class which can service requests regarding symbols

Public Function ReadVLCSource(ByRef poDefinedSymbols As DefinedSymbols, _
                ByRef poBoxFunctionTable As BoxFunctionTable)

    Dim vaLibMpSrcs
    vaLibMpSrcs = GetVLCSourceCode()

    If poDefinedSymbols Is Nothing Then
        Set poDefinedSymbols = ReadDefinedSymbols(vaLibMpSrcs(0))
    End If

    If poBoxFunctionTable Is Nothing Then
        Set poBoxFunctionTable = ReadBoxFunctionTable(vaLibMpSrcs(1))
        '* manually add some not found in vlc source
        Call poBoxFunctionTable.RecordAParentsPotentialChild("dinf", "dref")
        Call poBoxFunctionTable.RecordAParentsPotentialChild("dinf", "urn ")
        Call poBoxFunctionTable.RecordAParentsPotentialChild("dinf", "url ")
    End If

End Function

'* test routine
Private Sub TestReadBoxFunctionTable()
    Dim vaLibMpSrcs
    vaLibMpSrcs = GetVLCSourceCode()

    Dim oBoxFunctionTable As BoxFunctionTable
    Set oBoxFunctionTable = ReadBoxFunctionTable(vaLibMpSrcs(1))
    Debug.Print "Potential children of moov are:" & Join(oBoxFunctionTable.ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary("moov").Keys)
    Debug.Print "Potential children of trak are:" & Join(oBoxFunctionTable.ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary("trak").Keys)
    Debug.Print "Potential children of mdia are:" & Join(oBoxFunctionTable.ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary("mdia").Keys)
    Debug.Print "Potential children of minf are:" & Join(oBoxFunctionTable.ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary("minf").Keys)
    Debug.Print "Potential children of stbl are:" & Join(oBoxFunctionTable.ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary("stbl").Keys)
End Sub

'* Name:        ReadBoxFunctionTable
'* Description: Given the source code lines from lipmp4.c this code will look for lines of code such as
'*              (a) { ATOM_minf,    MP4_ReadBoxContainer,     ATOM_mdia },
'*              (b) { ATOM_stbl,    MP4_ReadBoxContainer,     ATOM_minf },
'*              where it will parse out (a) 'minf' and 'mdia' and (b) 'stbl' and 'minf'
'*              the atom on the left is a potential child of the atom on the right
'* Returns    : an instance of BoxFunctionTable class which can service requests regarding parent-child
'*              relationships

Private Function ReadBoxFunctionTable(vCFileLines As Variant) As BoxFunctionTable
    Debug.Assert IsArray(vCFileLines)

    Dim oBoxFunctionTable As BoxFunctionTable
    Set oBoxFunctionTable = New BoxFunctionTable

    Dim bInBoxFunctionTable As Boolean: bInBoxFunctionTable = False

    '\{ (ATOM_\w*), *(MP4_ReadBox\w*), * (0|ATOM_\w*) *\}, * *.*
    Dim regexBoxFunction As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
    Set regexBoxFunction = VBA.CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    regexBoxFunction.IgnoreCase = True
    regexBoxFunction.Global = True
    regexBoxFunction.Pattern = "\{ (0|ATOM_\w*) *, *(MP4_ReadBox\w*), * (0|ATOM_\w*) *\}, * *.*"

    Dim lLineLoop As Long
    For lLineLoop = LBound(vCFileLines) To UBound(vCFileLines)
        Dim vLineLoop As Variant
        vLineLoop = vCFileLines(lLineLoop)
        If Trim(vCFileLines(lLineLoop)) = "/* Containers */" Then
            If Trim(vCFileLines(lLineLoop - 1)) = "{" _
            And Trim(vCFileLines(lLineLoop - 2)) = "} MP4_Box_Function [] =" Then bInBoxFunctionTable = True
        End If
        If InStr(1, vLineLoop, "{ 0,              MP4_ReadBox_default,   0 }", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then bInBoxFunctionTable = False
        If bInBoxFunctionTable Then
            Dim sTrimmed As String
            sTrimmed = Trim(vLineLoop)
            If Not (Left$(sTrimmed, 2) = "/*" And Right$(sTrimmed, 2) = "*/") And Len(sTrimmed) > 0 And sTrimmed <> "{" And sTrimmed <> "/*" Then
                Debug.Assert InStr(1, sTrimmed, "MP4_ReadBox", vbTextCompare) > 0
                If regexBoxFunction.Test(sTrimmed) Then
                    Dim matchCol As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection
                    Set matchCol = regexBoxFunction.Execute(sTrimmed)
                    Dim match As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.match
                    Set match = matchCol.Item(0)
                    Debug.Assert match.SubMatches.count = 3
                    oBoxFunctionTable.AddBoxFunction match.SubMatches.Item(0), match.SubMatches.Item(1), _
                                match.SubMatches.Item(2), sTrimmed

                    Debug.Print "failed to parse:" & sTrimmed
                End If
            End If
        End If

    Set ReadBoxFunctionTable = oBoxFunctionTable
End Function

'* test routine
Private Sub TestReadDefinedSymbols()
    Dim vaLibMpSrcs
    vaLibMpSrcs = GetVLCSourceCode()

    Dim oDefinedSymbols As DefinedSymbols
    Set oDefinedSymbols = ReadDefinedSymbols(vaLibMpSrcs(0))
    Debug.Assert oDefinedSymbols.LookupMapEntry("BRAND", "smoo", False) = "smoo"
    Debug.Assert oDefinedSymbols.LookupMapEntry("BRAND", "smoo", True) = "smoo"
    Debug.Assert oDefinedSymbols.LookupMapEntry("ATOM", "url", False) = "url "
    Debug.Assert oDefinedSymbols.LookupMapEntry("ATOM", "url ", True) = "url"
    Debug.Assert oDefinedSymbols.LookupMapEntry("ATOM", "ms55", False) = "ms" & Chr$(0) & "U"
    Debug.Assert oDefinedSymbols.LookupMapEntry("ATOM", "ms" & Chr$(0) & "U", True) = "ms55"
End Sub

'* Name:        ReadDefinedSymbols
'* Description: Given the source code lines from lipmp4.h this code will look for lines of code such as
'*              (a) #define ATOM_ipma VLC_FOURCC('i','p','m','a')
'*              (b) #define ATOM_0x40PRM VLC_FOURCC( '@', 'P', 'R', 'M' )
'*              where it will parse out (a) 'ipma' and 'ipma' and (b) '0x40PRM' and '@PRM'
'*              most of the time but not always the source identifier is identical to the four character code
'* Returns    : an instance of DefinedSymbols class which can service requests regarding symbols

Private Function ReadDefinedSymbols(vHeaderLines As Variant) As DefinedSymbols
    Debug.Assert IsArray(vHeaderLines)

    Dim oDefinedSymbols As DefinedSymbols
    Set oDefinedSymbols = New DefinedSymbols
    Dim regexFourCC As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
    Set regexFourCC = VBA.CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    regexFourCC.IgnoreCase = True
    regexFourCC.Global = True
    regexFourCC.Pattern = "#define *(.*)_(.*) *VLC_FOURCC\( *('.'|0x\w{1,2}) *, *('.'|0x\w{1,2}) *, *('.'|0x\w{1,2}) *, *('.'|0x\w{1,2}) *\) *.*"
    Dim vLineLoop As Variant
    For Each vLineLoop In vHeaderLines
        If InStr(1, vLineLoop, "VLC_FOURCC", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
            If regexFourCC.Test(vLineLoop) Then
                Dim matchCol As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection
                Set matchCol = regexFourCC.Execute(vLineLoop)
                Dim match As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.match
                Set match = matchCol.Item(0)
                Debug.Assert match.SubMatches.count = 6
                Dim sSymbolCat As String
                sSymbolCat = Trim(match.SubMatches.Item(0))
                Dim sSymbolKey As String
                sSymbolKey = Trim(match.SubMatches.Item(1))
                Dim sSymbolValue As String: sSymbolValue = ""
                Dim lCharLoop As Long
                For lCharLoop = 2 To 5
                    Dim sSubMatch As String
                    sSubMatch = Trim(match.SubMatches.Item(lCharLoop))
                    Dim sChar As String
                    If InStr(1, sSubMatch, "'", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
                        sChar = VBA.Replace(sSubMatch, "'", "")
                        sSubMatch = "&h" & Mid$(sSubMatch, 3)
                        Dim lChar As Long
                        lChar = Val(sSubMatch)
                        sChar = Chr$(lChar)
                    End If
                    sSymbolValue = sSymbolValue & sChar
                Debug.Print "Regular expression failed to parse line:" & vLineLoop
            End If
            oDefinedSymbols.AddMapEntry sSymbolCat, sSymbolKey, sSymbolValue, vLineLoop
        End If
    Set ReadDefinedSymbols = oDefinedSymbols
End Function

'* test routine
Private Sub TestGetVLCSourceCode()
    Dim vaLibMpSrcs
    vaLibMpSrcs = GetVLCSourceCode()

End Sub

'* Name:        GetVLCSourceCode
'* Description: Will acquire code from either GitHub or a local copy in a module in this workbook
'* Returns    : A variant array of strings, each element is a line

Private Function GetVLCSourceCode()
    #If VLCLOCAL = 1 Then
        GetVLCSourceCode = GetVLCSourceCodeInner(True)
        GetVLCSourceCode = GetVLCSourceCodeInner(False)
    #End If
End Function

'* Name:        GetVLCSourceCodeInner
'* Description: Will acquire code from either GitHub or a local copy in a module in this workbook
'* Returns    : A variant array of strings, each element is a line

Private Function GetVLCSourceCodeInner(ByVal bLocalCopy As Boolean)

    Dim vSources(0 To 1) As Variant
    Dim vSrcSuffixes As Variant
    vSrcSuffixes = Array("h", "c")

    Dim lFileLoop As Long
    If bLocalCopy Then
        '* this code is switched on with a conditional constant
        '* I have copied into my workbook a copy of the source files
        For lFileLoop = 0 To 1
            Dim objLibMpSrcVBComp As Object
            Set objLibMpSrcVBComp = GetVBComponentOERN("srcLibMp_" & vSrcSuffixes(lFileLoop))
            Dim dicSrc As Object
            Set dicSrc = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            Dim lLineLoop As Long
            For lLineLoop = 1 To objLibMpSrcVBComp.CountOfLines
                Dim sLine As String
                sLine = objLibMpSrcVBComp.Lines(lLineLoop, 1)
                dicSrc.Add dicSrc.count, Mid(sLine, 2)
            Next lLineLoop
            vSources(lFileLoop) = dicSrc.Items
        Next lFileLoop
        Dim oXHR As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
        For lFileLoop = 0 To 1
            Set oXHR = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
            oXHR.Open "GET", "" & vSrcSuffixes(lFileLoop), False
            vSources(lFileLoop) = VBA.Split(oXHR.responseText, Chr$(10))
        Next lFileLoop
    End If

    GetVLCSourceCodeInner = vSources

End Function

Private Function GetVBComponentOERN(ByVal sName As String) As Object
    '* kills errors
    On Error Resume Next
    Set GetVBComponentOERN = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(sName).CodeModule
End Function

So now all the helper classes and modules are in place. Next the main module, the modMpegToXml module.

modMpegToXml module

Option Explicit

'* Module Name: modMpegToXml
'* Copyright 2nd November 2019
'* Requires Tools Reference
'*  Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'*  Microsoft XML, v6.0
'* Other class and module dependencies:
'*  modMyFiles, modLVCSourceProcessor, modXmlReports, BoxFunctionTable, DefinedSymbols
'* Python dependency:
'*  sadly VBA cannot handle numbers bigger than 32-bit arithmetically so I had to enlist a Python COM class
'*  to help convert large numbers to a string, that Python code is in file
'*  and will need running from command line to register the COM class
'* Description:
'*  This is main module that orchestrates logic from the other classes and modules.  It reads an mp4 file
'*  recursively parsing the atom structure replicating the nested structure in a more readable xml file.
'*  I wrote this because I was unhappy with existing mp4 file examiners which did not handle
'*  fragmented mp4 files or dash files.  But I did not want to write a GUI so I wrote to an xml file instead.

Private fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

Private mbytes() As Byte
Private mlByteCount As Long

Private moDefinedSymbols As DefinedSymbols
Private moBoxFunctionTable As BoxFunctionTable
Private mxmlMpeg As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Private mxmlCurrentNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

Private mlAtomCount As Long

Private mlOmissionThreshold As Long '* 0 means show none, positive integers n means show the first n

Private Enum MP4_TRUN_FLAGS
    MP4_TRUN_DATA_OFFSET = 1            '(1<<0)
    MP4_TRUN_FIRST_FLAGS = 4            '(1<<2)
    MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_DURATION = 256      '(1<<8)
    MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_SIZE = 512          '(1<<9)
    MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_FLAGS = 1024        '(1<<10)
    MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_TIME_OFFSET = 2048  '(1<<11)
End Enum

'* Name:        BatchXmlReportOnMpegFile
'* Description: Top level entry point which allows batch of mp4 files (mpeg file) and reports on each.
'*              Pass in a dictionary of files.  One can also specify a working folder (it will use temp if blank)
Public Sub BatchXmlReportOnMpegFile(ByVal dicMepgFiles As Scripting.Dictionary, ByVal bCancelColoring As Boolean, ByVal sWorkFolder As String)
    Dim sMepgFile
    For Each sMepgFile In dicMepgFiles.Keys
        XmlReportOnMpegFile sMepgFile, bCancelColoring, sWorkFolder
End Sub

'* test routine
Private Sub TestBatchXmlReportOnMpegFile()

    Dim dicMepgFiles As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dicMepgFiles = modMyFiles.MyMepgFiles() '* I have defined mine in a separate module, modMyFiles

    BatchXmlReportOnMpegFile dicMepgFiles, False, ""
End Sub

'* Name:        XmlReportOnMpegFile
'* Description: Top level entry point which examines an mp4 file (mpeg file) and reports the nested atom
'*              structure into a nested xml report.  Then it writes the xml report to a worksheet by calling
'*              modXmlReports.PrettyReportXml.
'*              One can also specify a working folder (it will use temp if blank)
Public Sub XmlReportOnMpegFile(ByVal sMepgFile As String, ByVal bCancelColoring As Boolean, ByVal sWorkFolder As String)

    Application.StatusBar = False
    mlOmissionThreshold = 5

    '* need symbols and parent-child atom relationships information
    Call modVLCSourceProcessor.ReadVLCSource(moDefinedSymbols, moBoxFunctionTable)

    Debug.Assert fso.FileExists(sMepgFile)

    Set mxmlMpeg = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
    Debug.Assert mxmlMpeg.LoadXML(Chr$(60) & "mpeg/>")
    Set mxmlCurrentNode = mxmlMpeg.DocumentElement

    mlAtomCount = 0

    mbytes() = ReadByteFile(sMepgFile)
    mlByteCount = UBound(mbytes) - LBound(mbytes) + 1
    mxmlCurrentNode.setAttribute "size", mlByteCount
    ReadAtom "", 0, mlByteCount - 1, 0
    Dim sXmlReportFile As String
    sXmlReportFile = XmlReportFileName(sMepgFile)
    mxmlMpeg.Save sXmlReportFile
    modXmlReports.PrettyReportXml ThisWorkbook, sXmlReportFile, bCancelColoring, sWorkFolder

End Sub

'* Name:        XmlReportFileName
'* Description: returns name of a wotrking file to which will write the xml
Private Function XmlReportFileName(ByVal sMepgFile As String) As String
    '* we want to work with our file which we will place in same directory as ThisWorkbook
    Dim filMpeg As Scripting.File
    Set filMpeg = fso.GetFile(sMepgFile)

    XmlReportFileName = fso.BuildPath(TempFolder, & ".xml")
End Function

'* Name:        TempFolder
'* Description: create and locate a folder within the system's temporary folder
Private Function TempFolder() As String
    Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Const TemporaryFolder As Long = 2
    TempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
    If Not fso.FolderExists(fso.BuildPath(TempFolder, "modMpegToXml")) Then
        Dim fldTemp As Scripting.Folder
        Set fldTemp = fso.GetFolder(TempFolder)
        fldTemp.SubFolders.Add "modMpegToXml"
        Debug.Assert fso.FolderExists(fso.BuildPath(TempFolder, "modMpegToXml"))
    End If
    TempFolder = fso.BuildPath(TempFolder, "modMpegToXml")
    Set fso = Nothing
End Function

'Private Function ThisWorkbookHomeFolder() As String
'    'Debug.Assert ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
'    ThisWorkbookHomeFolder = fso.GetFile(ThisWorkbook.FullName).ParentFolder.ShortPath
'    '* alternative
'    'Dim vSplit
'    'vSplit = VBA.Split(ThisWorkbook.FullName, "\")
'    'ReDim Preserve vSplit(0 To UBound(vSplit) - 1)
'    'ThisWorkbookHomeFolder = VBA.Join(vSplit, "\")
'End Function

'* Name:        ReadAtom
'* Description: Recursive routine at the heart of the parsing logic.
'*              (1) Establishes list of potential child atoms for a given parent atom.
'*              (2) Calls FindAtomAtPosition2() to find a child atom
'*              (3) For each atom it finds it will (a) create an Xml element in the report, (b) establish its size,
'*                  (c) for full atoms read version and flags (d) adorn with any atom specific attributes ,
'*                  (e) adorn description and (f) if it can have children then recursively call into ReadAtom()
'*                  to look for those child atoms
'*              (4) Then look for another atom at this level, i.e. a sibling atom
'*              (5) if no more atoms found then quit routine return to caller
Private Sub ReadAtom(ByVal sParent As String, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lEndOfParent As Long, ByVal lRecursionLevel As Long)
    Dim dicChildrenOfAParent As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dicChildrenOfAParent = moBoxFunctionTable.ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary(sParent)
    If dicChildrenOfAParent.count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Dim lSize As Long
        Dim sAtom As String: sAtom = ""
        Dim lAtomFoundAt As Long
        lAtomFoundAt = FindAtomAtPosition2(lPosition, lEndOfParent, dicChildrenOfAParent, sAtom)
        If lAtomFoundAt < 0 Then
            '* something went wrong, we have to abandon this branch
            GoTo SingleExit
        End If
        lSize = FourBytesToLong(lAtomFoundAt - 4)
        If lSize = 0 Then
            '* something went wrong, we have to abandon this branch
            GoTo SingleExit
        End If
        Dim lNextAtomAt As Long
        lNextAtomAt = lAtomFoundAt - 4 + lSize
        Debug.Print "Found atom '" & sAtom & "' at position " & lAtomFoundAt - 4 & " of size " & lSize & " which thus spans to " & lPosition + lSize & " (&h" & VBA.Hex$(lPosition + lSize) & ")"
        Dim xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlAtom = mxmlMpeg.createElement(sAtom)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "size", lSize
        Dim lVersion As Long: lVersion = 0
        Dim lFlags As Long: lFlags = 0
        If FullBoxAtoms.Exists(sAtom) Then
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = lPosition + 8
            lVersion = BytesToLong(mbytes, 1, idx)
            lFlags = BytesToLong(mbytes, 3, idx)
            Call xmlAtom.setAttribute("version", lVersion)
            Call xmlAtom.setAttribute("flags", FlagsToString(sAtom, lFlags))
        End If
        AtomAttributes sAtom, xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
        If AtomDescriptions().Exists(sAtom) Then xmlAtom.setAttribute "desc", AtomDescriptions().Item(sAtom)
        mxmlCurrentNode.appendChild xmlAtom
        mlAtomCount = mlAtomCount + 1
        If moBoxFunctionTable.ChildrenOfAParentAsADictionary(sAtom).count > 0 Then
            Set mxmlCurrentNode = xmlAtom
            ReadAtom sAtom, lAtomFoundAt + 4, lNextAtomAt - 1, lRecursionLevel + 1
        End If
        lPosition = lNextAtomAt
    Loop Until lPosition >= lEndOfParent

    If mxmlCurrentNode.nodeName <> "mpeg" Then
        Set mxmlCurrentNode = mxmlCurrentNode.ParentNode
    End If

End Sub

'* Name:        AtomDescriptions
'* Description: associates four letter character codes with descriptions
Private Function AtomDescriptions() As Scripting.Dictionary
    Static dic As Scripting.Dictionary
    Static dicAmbiguous As Scripting.Dictionary
    If dicAmbiguous Is Nothing Then
        Set dicAmbiguous = New Scripting.Dictionary
        dicAmbiguous.Add "hnti", "trackhintinformation"
        'dicAmbiguous.Add "hnti", "moviehintinformation"
    End If
    If dic Is Nothing Then
        Set dic = New Scripting.Dictionary
        dic.Add "ftyp", "FileTypeBox"
        dic.Add "moov", "MovieBox"
        dic.Add "mdat", "MediaDataBox"
        dic.Add "mvhd", "MovieHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "trak", "TrackBox"
        dic.Add "tkhd", "TrackHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "tref", "TrackReferenceBox"
        dic.Add "mdia", "MediaBox"
        dic.Add "mdhd", "MediaHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "hdlr", "HandlerBox"
        dic.Add "minf", "MediaInformationBox"
        dic.Add "vmhd", "VideoMediaHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "smhd", "SoundMediaHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "hmhd", "HintMediaHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "nmhd", "NullMediaHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "dinf", "DataInformationBox"
        dic.Add "url ", "DataEntryUrlBox"
        dic.Add "urn ", "DataEntryUrnBox"
        dic.Add "dref", "DataReferenceBox"
        dic.Add "stbl", "SampleTableBox"
        dic.Add "stts", "TimeToSampleBox"
        dic.Add "ctts", "CompositionOffsetBox"
        dic.Add "stsd", "SampleDescriptionBox"
        dic.Add "stsz", "SampleSizeBox"
        dic.Add "stz2", "CompactSampleSizeBox"
        dic.Add "stsc", "SampleToChunkBox"
        dic.Add "stco", "ChunkOffsetBox"
        dic.Add "co64", "ChunkLargeOffsetBox"
        dic.Add "stss", "SyncSampleBox"
        dic.Add "stsh", "ShadowSyncSampleBox"
        dic.Add "stdp", "DegradationPriorityBox"
        dic.Add "padb", "PaddingBitsBox"
        dic.Add "free", "FreeSpaceBox"
        dic.Add "skip", "FreeSpaceBox"
        dic.Add "edts", "EditBox"
        dic.Add "elst", "EditListBox"
        dic.Add "udta", "UserDataBox"
        dic.Add "cprt", "CopyrightBox"
        dic.Add "mvex", "MovieExtendsBox"
        dic.Add "mehd", "MovieExtendsHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "trex", "TrackExtendsBox"
        dic.Add "moof", "MovieFragmentBox"
        dic.Add "mfhd", "MovieFragmentHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "traf", "TrackFragmentBox"
        dic.Add "tfhd", "TrackFragmentHeaderBox"
        dic.Add "trun", "TrackRunBox"
        dic.Add "mfra", "MovieFragmentRandomAccessBox"
        dic.Add "tfra", "TrackFragmentRandomAccessBox"
        dic.Add "mfro", "MovieFragmentRandomAccessOffsetBox"
        dic.Add "sdtp", "SampleDependencyTypeBox"
        dic.Add "sbgp", "SampleToGroupBox"
        dic.Add "sgpd", "SampleGroupDescriptionBox"
        dic.Add "stsl", "SampleScaleBox"
        dic.Add "subs", "SubSampleInformationBox"
        dic.Add "pdin", "ProgressiveDownloadInfoBox"
        dic.Add "meta", "MetaBox"
        dic.Add "xml ", "XMLBox"
        dic.Add "bxml", "BinaryXMLBox"
        dic.Add "iloc", "ItemLocationBox"
        dic.Add "pitm", "PrimaryItemBox"
        dic.Add "ipro", "ItemProtectionBox"
        dic.Add "infe", "ItemInfoEntry"
        dic.Add "iinf", "ItemInfoBox"
        dic.Add "sinf", "ProtectionSchemeInfoBox"
        dic.Add "frma", "OriginalFormatBox"
        dic.Add "ipmc", "IPMPControlBox"
        dic.Add "schm", "SchemeTypeBox"
        dic.Add "schi", "SchemeInformationBox"
        dic.Add "srpp", "SRTPProcessBox"
        'dic.Add "hnti", "moviehintinformation"
        dic.Add "rtp ", "rtpmoviehintinformation"
        'dic.Add "hnti", "trackhintinformation"
        dic.Add "sdp ", "rtptracksdphintinformation"
        dic.Add "hinf", "hintstatisticsbox"
        dic.Add "trpy", "hintBytesSent"
        dic.Add "nump", "hintPacketsSent"
        dic.Add "tpyl", "hintBytesSent"
        dic.Add "totl", "hintBytesSent"
        dic.Add "npck", "hintPacketsSent"
        dic.Add "tpay", "hintBytesSent"
        dic.Add "maxr", "hintmaxrate"
        dic.Add "dmed", "hintmediaBytesSent"
        dic.Add "dimm", "hintimmediateBytesSent"
        dic.Add "drep", "hintrepeatedBytesSent"
        dic.Add "tmin", "hintminrelativetime"
        dic.Add "tmax", "hintmaxrelativetime"
        dic.Add "pmax", "hintlargestpacket"
        dic.Add "dmax", "hintlongestpacket"
        dic.Add "payt", "hintpayloadID"
        '* not in the spec
        dic.Add "tfdt", "TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox"
    End If

    Set AtomDescriptions = dic

End Function

'       ______ ___  __  __      _   _   _        _ _           _                              _ _
'    / \|_   _/ _ \|  \/  |    / \ | |_| |_ _ __(_) |__  _   _| |_ ___  ___   _ __ ___  _   _| |_(_)_ __   ___  ___
'   / _ \ | || | | | |\/| |   / _ \| __| __| '__| | '_ \| | | | __/ _ \/ __| | '__/ _ \| | | | __| | '_ \ / _ \/ __|
'  / ___ \| || |_| | |  | |  / ___ \ |_| |_| |  | | |_) | |_| | ||  __/\__ \ | | | (_) | |_| | |_| | | | |  __/\__ \
' /_/   \_\_| \___/|_|  |_| /_/   \_\__|\__|_|  |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__\___||___/ |_|  \___/ \__,_|\__|_|_| |_|\___||___/
'* Description: a set of routins which adorns various atom with extra atom specific attributes

'* Name:        AtomAttributes
'* Description: convert a stream of bytes to a string (implies ASCII / UTF-8)
Private Function AtomAttributes(ByVal sAtom As String, ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, _
            ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)

    Select Case sAtom
    Case "ftyp":
        FtypAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize
    Case "mvhd"
        MvhdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "tkhd":
        TkhdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "mfhd":
        MfhdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize
    Case "tfhd":
        TfhdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize
    Case "trun":
        TrunAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "tfdt":
        TfdtAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "mehd":
        MehdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "trex":
        TrexAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "elst":
        ElstAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "mdhd":
        MdhdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "hdlr":
        HdlrAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion
    Case "vmhd":
        VmhdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "smhd":
        SmhdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "stsd":
        StsdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "stts":
        SttsAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "stss":
        StssAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "stsc":
        StscAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "stco":
        StcoAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "stsz":
        StszAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "stts":
        StszAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "sgpd":
        SgpdAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "sbgp":
        SbgpAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "ctts":
        CttsAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    Case "dref":
        DrefAttributes xmlAtom, lPosition, lSize, lVersion, lFlags
    End Select

End Function
Private Function DrefAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, _
                                            ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* DataReferenceBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    Dim lEntryCount As Long
    lEntryCount = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntryCount

    Dim lEntryLoop As Long
    For lEntryLoop = 1 To lEntryCount
        If lEntryLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry

        Dim sDataEntry As String
        sDataEntry = BytesToLong(mbytes, lSize - idx, idx)
        Dim lNullTerm As Long
        lNullTerm = InStr(1, sDataEntry, Chr$(0), vbBinaryCompare)
        If lNullTerm > 0 Then
            sDataEntry = Left$(sDataEntry, lNullTerm - 1)
        End If
        xmlEntry.setAttribute "data_entry", sDataEntry
    If lEntryCount > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If
End Function

Private Function CttsAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, _
                                            ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* CompositionOffsetBox

    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    Dim lEntryCount As Long
    lEntryCount = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntryCount

    Dim lEntryLoop As Long
    For lEntryLoop = 1 To lEntryCount
        If lEntryLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry

        xmlEntry.setAttribute "sample_count", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlEntry.setAttribute "sample_offset", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    If lEntryCount > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If

End Function

Private Function SgpdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, _
                                            ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* SampleGroupDescriptionBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    Dim sHandlerType As String
    sHandlerType = BytesToString(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "handler_type", sHandlerType
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "grouping_type", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    Dim lEntryCount As Long
    lEntryCount = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntryCount
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To lEntryCount
        If lLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry

        Select Case sHandlerType
        Case "vide":
        Case "soun":
        Case "hint":
        Case "roll":
            xmlEntry.setAttribute "roll_distance", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
        End Select

    If lEntryCount > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If
End Function

Private Function SbgpAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, _
                                            ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* SampleToGroupBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    xmlAtom.setAttribute "grouping_type", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    Dim lEntries As Long
    lEntries = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntries
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To lEntries
        If lLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry

        xmlEntry.setAttribute "sample_count", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlEntry.setAttribute "group_description_index", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

    If lEntries > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If
End Function

Private Function StssAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* SyncSampleBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    Dim lEntries As Long
    lEntries = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntries

    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To lEntries
        If lLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry

        xmlEntry.setAttribute "sample_number", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

    If lEntries > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If

End Function

Private Function StcoAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* ChunkOffsetBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    Dim lEntries As Long
    lEntries = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntries
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To lEntries
        If lLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry

        xmlEntry.setAttribute "chunk_offset", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

    If lEntries > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If

End Function

Private Function StszAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* SampleSizeBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    Dim lGlobalSampleSize As Long
    lGlobalSampleSize = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "sample_size", lGlobalSampleSize

    Dim lCount As Long
    lCount = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "sample_count", lCount

    If lGlobalSampleSize = 0 Then
        Dim lLoop As Long
        For lLoop = 1 To lCount
            If lLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
            Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
            Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
            xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry
            xmlEntry.setAttribute "entry_size", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

        If lCount > mlOmissionThreshold Then
            xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
        End If

    End If

End Function

Private Function StscAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* SampleToChunkBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    Dim lEntries As Long
    lEntries = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntries
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To lEntries
        If lLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry
        xmlEntry.setAttribute "first_chunk", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlEntry.setAttribute "samples_per_chunk", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlEntry.setAttribute "sample_description_index", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

    If lEntries > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If
End Function

Private Function SttsAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* TimeToSampleBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    Dim entry_count As Long
    entry_count = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", entry_count
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To entry_count
        If lLoop > mlOmissionThreshold Then Exit For
        Dim xmlSttsSample As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlSttsSample = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlSttsSample
        xmlSttsSample.setAttribute "sample_count", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlSttsSample.setAttribute "sample_delta", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    If entry_count > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
    End If
End Function

Private Function StsdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* SampleDescriptionBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    Dim entry_count As Long
    entry_count = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", entry_count
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To entry_count
        Dim xmlEntry As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlEntry = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlEntry
        'xmlEntry.setAttribute "sample_count", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        'xmlEntry.setAttribute "sample_delta", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

End Function

Private Function SmhdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* SoundMediaHeaderBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    xmlAtom.setAttribute "balance", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)

End Function

Private Function VmhdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* VideoMediaHeaderBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    xmlAtom.setAttribute "graphicsmode", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "opcolor_0", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "opcolor_1", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "opcolor_2", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
End Function

Private Function HdlrAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* HandlerBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "pre_defined", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "handler_type", BytesToString(mbytes, 4, idx)
    Dim lReservedIdx As Long
    For lReservedIdx = 0 To 2
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved_" & lReservedIdx, BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "name", BytesToString(mbytes, lPosition + lSize - idx, (idx))
End Function

Private Function MdhdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* MediaHeaderBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    If lVersion = 1 Then
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "creation_time", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "modification_time", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "timescale", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "duration", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "creation_time", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "modification_time", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "timescale", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "duration", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    End If
    Dim languagesPack As Long
    languagesPack = BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "language", ISO639_2T(languagesPack)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "pre_defined", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
End Function

Private Function ISO639_2T(ByVal lThreeFiveBitCharacters As Long) As String
    '* "Each character is packed as the difference between its ASCII value and 0x60. Since the code
    '*  is confined to being three lower-case letters, these values are strictly positive"
    '* typical results are 'eng' for English and 'und' for undefined/undetermined
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 1 To 3
        ISO639_2T = Chr$(96 + (lThreeFiveBitCharacters And 31)) & ISO639_2T
        lThreeFiveBitCharacters = lThreeFiveBitCharacters / 32
End Function

Private Function ElstAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* EditListBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12

    Dim lEntryCount As Long
    lEntryCount = BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "entry_count", lEntryCount

    Dim lEntryLoop As Long
    For lEntryLoop = 1 To lEntryCount
        If lVersion = 1 Then
            xmlAtom.setAttribute "segment_duration", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes(), 8, idx)
            xmlAtom.setAttribute "media_time", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes(), 8, idx)
            xmlAtom.setAttribute "segment_duration", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
            xmlAtom.setAttribute "media_time", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
        End If
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "media_rate_integer", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 2, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "media_rate_fraction", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 2, idx)
End Function

Private Function TrexAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* TrackExtendsBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "track_ID", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "default_sample_description_index", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "default_sample_duration", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "default_sample_size", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "default_sample_flags", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
End Function

Private Function MehdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* MovieExtendsHeaderBox
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "fragment_duration", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes, VBA.IIf(lVersion = 1, 8, 4), (lPosition + 12))
End Function

Private Function MfhdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long)
    '* MovieFragmentHeaderBox
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "sequence_number", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes, 8, (lPosition + 8))
End Function

Private Function MvhdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* MovieHeaderBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    If lVersion = 1 Then
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "creationtime", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "modificationtime", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "timescale", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "duration", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "creationtime", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "modificationtime", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "timescale", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "duration", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    End If

    xmlAtom.setAttribute "preferredrate", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "preferredvolume", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved1", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved2_0", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved2_1", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    Dim lMatrixIdx As Long
    For lMatrixIdx = 0 To 8
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "matrix_" & lMatrixIdx, BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)

    Dim lPreDefinedIdx As Long
    For lPreDefinedIdx = 0 To 5
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "pre_defined_" & lPreDefinedIdx, BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "nexttrackid", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes, 4, idx)
End Function

Private Function TkhdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, _
                    ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* TrackHeaderBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    If lVersion = 1 Then
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "creation_time", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "modification_time", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "track_ID", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "duration", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes, 8, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "creation_time", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "modification_time", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "track_ID", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "duration", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    End If

    xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved1_0", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved1_1", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "layer", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "alternationgroup", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "volume", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "reserved2", BytesToLong(mbytes, 2, idx)
    Dim lMatrixIdx As Long
    For lMatrixIdx = 0 To 8
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "matrixstructure_" & lMatrixIdx, BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "trackwidth", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "trackheight", BytesToLong(mbytes, 4, idx)
End Function

Private Function TrunAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long)
    '* TrackRunBox
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = lPosition + 12
    Dim lSampleCount As Long
    lSampleCount = BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "sample_count", lSampleCount
    If lFlags And MP4_TRUN_DATA_OFFSET = 1 Then
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "data_offset", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
    End If
    If lFlags And MP4_TRUN_FIRST_FLAGS = 1 Then
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "first_sample_flags", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
    End If
    Dim bSampleHasDuration As Boolean
    bSampleHasDuration = lFlags And MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_DURATION
    Dim bSampleHasSize As Boolean
    bSampleHasSize = lFlags And MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_SIZE
    Dim bSampleHasFlags As Boolean
    bSampleHasFlags = lFlags And MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_FLAGS
    Dim bSampleHasTimeOffset As Boolean
    bSampleHasTimeOffset = lFlags And MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_TIME_OFFSET
    Dim entry_size As Long
    entry_size = VBA.IIf(bSampleHasDuration, 1, 0) + _
                VBA.IIf(bSampleHasSize, 1, 0) + _
                VBA.IIf(bSampleHasFlags, 1, 0) + _
                VBA.IIf(bSampleHasTimeOffset, 1, 0)
    Debug.Assert entry_size = 1  '* we assuming the trun table is sample lengths
    Dim lSampleSizesTotalled As Long
    lSampleSizesTotalled = 0

    Dim lSampleLoop As Long
    For lSampleLoop = 0 To lSampleCount - 1
        Dim lSampleDuration As Long: lSampleDuration = 0
        Dim lSampleSize As Long: lSampleSize = 0
        Dim lSampleFlags As Long: lSampleFlags = 0
        Dim lSampleTimeOffset As Long: lSampleTimeOffset = 0
        If bSampleHasDuration Then lSampleDuration = BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
        If bSampleHasSize Then
            lSampleSize = BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
            lSampleSizesTotalled = lSampleSizesTotalled + lSampleSize
        End If
        If bSampleHasFlags Then lSampleFlags = BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
        If bSampleHasTimeOffset Then lSampleTimeOffset = BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, idx)
        If lSampleLoop <= mlOmissionThreshold Then
            Dim xmlSample As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
            Set xmlSample = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("entry")
            xmlAtom.appendChild xmlSample
            If bSampleHasDuration Then xmlSample.setAttribute "sample_duration", lSampleDuration
            If bSampleHasSize Then xmlSample.setAttribute "sample_size", lSampleSize
            If bSampleHasFlags Then xmlSample.setAttribute "sample_flags", lSampleFlags
            If bSampleHasTimeOffset Then xmlSample.setAttribute "sample_composition_time_offset", lSampleTimeOffset
        End If
    Next lSampleLoop
    If lSampleCount > mlOmissionThreshold Then
        Dim xmlOmission As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set xmlOmission = xmlAtom.OwnerDocument.createElement("omission")
        xmlAtom.appendChild xmlOmission
    End If
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "SampleSizesTotalled", lSampleSizesTotalled
End Function

Private Function TfdtAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lVersion As Long)
    '* TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox
    lPosition = lPosition + 12
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "base_media_decode_time", BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(mbytes(), VBA.IIf(lVersion = 0, 4, 8), lPosition)
End Function

Private Function TfhdAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long)
    '* TrackFragmentHeaderBox
    lPosition = lPosition + 12
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "track_ID", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, lPosition)
    If lSize = 36 Then
        '* we have optional fields
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "base_data_offset", BytesToLongPtr(mbytes(), 8, lPosition)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "sample_description_index", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, lPosition)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "default_sample_duration", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, lPosition)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "default_sample_size", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, lPosition)
        xmlAtom.setAttribute "default_sample_flags", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, lPosition)
    End If
End Function

Private Function FtypAttributes(ByVal xmlAtom As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement, ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lSize As Long)
    '* FileTypeBox
    lPosition = lPosition + 8
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "major_brand", BytesToString(mbytes(), 4, lPosition)
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "minor_version", BytesToLong(mbytes(), 4, lPosition)
    Dim lCompatibleBrandsLen As Long
    lCompatibleBrandsLen = lSize - lPosition
    Dim lCompatibleBrandsCount As Long
    lCompatibleBrandsCount = lCompatibleBrandsLen / 4
    Dim sCompatibleBrands As String
    If lCompatibleBrandsCount > 0 Then
        sCompatibleBrands = BytesToString(mbytes(), lCompatibleBrandsLen, lPosition) '* eat what's left
        '* add comma separators
        Dim sCompatibleBrandsCSV As String
        sCompatibleBrandsCSV = ""
        Dim lBrandLoop As Long
        For lBrandLoop = 1 To lCompatibleBrandsCount
            sCompatibleBrandsCSV = sCompatibleBrandsCSV & VBA.IIf(Len(sCompatibleBrandsCSV) > 0, ",", "") & Mid$(sCompatibleBrands, 4 * (lBrandLoop - 1) + 1, 4)
    End If
    xmlAtom.setAttribute "compatible_brands", sCompatibleBrandsCSV
End Function

'* Name:        BytesToString
'* Description: convert a stream of bytes to a string (implies ASCII / UTF-8)
Private Function BytesToString(ByRef bytes() As Byte, ByVal cBytes As Long, ByRef plPosition As Long) As String
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 0 To cBytes - 1
        BytesToString = BytesToString & Chr$(bytes(plPosition + lLoop))
    plPosition = plPosition + cBytes
End Function

'* Name:        FullBoxAtoms
'* Description: serves two purposes
'*              (1) which atom are 'FullBox' and so have minimum size of 12 bits and
'*              (2) where flags are given it details the enumeration so a numer can be decomposed
Private Function FullBoxAtoms() As Scripting.Dictionary

    Static dicFullBoxAtoms As Scripting.Dictionary
    If dicFullBoxAtoms Is Nothing Then
        Set dicFullBoxAtoms = New Scripting.Dictionary
        dicFullBoxAtoms.CompareMode = TextCompare
        Dim vFullBoxAtoms As Variant
        vFullBoxAtoms = Array( _
            Array("stco", ""), _
            Array("stsz", ""), _
            Array("stsc", ""), _
            Array("stsd", ""), _
            Array("stts", ""), _
            Array("stss", ""), _
            Array("ctts", ""), _
            Array("dref", ""), _
            Array("smhd", ""), _
            Array("hdlr", ""), _
            Array("mfhd", ""), _
            Array("mdhd", ""), _
            Array("mvhd", ""), _
            Array("tfdt", ""), _
            Array("trex", ""), _
            Array("elst", ""), _
            Array("mehd", ""), _
            Array("vmhd", ""), _
            Array("sgpd", ""), _
            Array("sbgp", ""), _
            Array("tfhd", "base-data-offset-present|sample-description-index-present||default-sample-duration-present|default-sample-size-present|default-sample-flags-present|||||||||||duration-is-empty|default-base-is-moof"), _
            Array("tkhd", "Track_enabled|Track_in_movie|Track_In_preview"), _
            Array("trun", "data-offset-present||first-sample-flags-present||||||sample-duration-present|sample-size-present|sample-flags-present|sample-composition-time-offsets-present"))
        Dim vLoop As Variant
        For Each vLoop In vFullBoxAtoms
            dicFullBoxAtoms.Add vLoop(0), vLoop(1)
        Next vLoop
    End If
    Set FullBoxAtoms = dicFullBoxAtoms
End Function

'* test routine
Private Sub TestFlagsToString()
    Debug.Assert FlagsToString("tkhd", 5) = "(5) (h1) Track_enabled,(h4) Track_In_preview"
    Debug.Assert FlagsToString("tkhd", 0) = "(0)"
    Debug.Assert FlagsToString("tkhd", 4) = "(4) (h4) Track_In_preview"
End Sub

'* Name:        FlagsToString
'* Description: decompose a binary flags enum to a list of comma separated strings
Private Function FlagsToString(ByVal sAtom As String, ByVal lFlags As Long, Optional lStartBit As Long) As String
    Dim sFlagsEnum As String
    If FullBoxAtoms().Exists(sAtom) Then
        sFlagsEnum = FullBoxAtoms().Item(sAtom)
    End If
    If Len(sFlagsEnum) > 0 Then
        FlagsToString = "(" & CStr(lFlags) & ") " & FlagsToStringInner(sFlagsEnum, lFlags)
        FlagsToString = CStr(lFlags)
    End If
    FlagsToString = Trim(FlagsToString)
End Function

'* Name:        FlagsToStringInner
'* Description: decompose a binary flags enum to a list of comma separated strings
Private Function FlagsToStringInner(ByVal sFlagsEnum As String, ByVal lFlags As Long, Optional lStartBit As Long) As String
    Dim vFlags
    vFlags = VBA.Split(sFlagsEnum, "|")
    FlagsToStringInner = ""
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = 0
    Dim bDebug As Boolean
    bDebug = lFlags > 1512
    'Debug.Assert lFlags < 1512
    Dim lBit As LongPtr
    lBit = 1
    Dim lFlagsCopy As Long
    lFlagsCopy = lFlags
        If lFlagsCopy Mod 2 = 1 Then
            FlagsToStringInner = FlagsToStringInner & VBA.IIf(Len(FlagsToStringInner) > 0, ",", "") & "(h" & Hex$(lBit) & ") " & vFlags(idx)
            lFlagsCopy = lFlagsCopy - 1  '* eat the bit
            If bDebug Then
                Debug.Print FlagsToStringInner
            End If
        End If
        lFlagsCopy = lFlagsCopy / 2
        lBit = lBit * 2
        idx = idx + 1
    Loop While lFlagsCopy > 0
End Function

'* Name:        FindAtomAtPosition2
'* Description: given a list of potential children and an end of parent limit we go look for child atoms
Private Function FindAtomAtPosition2(ByVal lPosition As Long, ByVal lEndOfParent As Long, dicChildrenOfAParent As Scripting.Dictionary, _
            ByRef psAtom As String)

    FindAtomAtPosition2 = -1
    Dim lOffset As Long
    lOffset = 0
        Dim sFourCC As String
        sFourCC = FourBytesToFourCC(lPosition + lOffset)
        If dicChildrenOfAParent.Exists(sFourCC) Then
            FindAtomAtPosition2 = lPosition + lOffset
            psAtom = sFourCC
            GoTo SingleExit
        End If
        lOffset = lOffset + 1
    Loop Until lOffset + lPosition >= lEndOfParent


End Function

'* Name:        FourBytesToFourCC
'* Description: Read four bytes and convert to a four characer string
Private Function FourBytesToFourCC(ByVal lPosition As Long)
    On Error Resume Next
    If lPosition + 3 > UBound(mbytes) Then
        FourBytesToFourCC = ""
        FourBytesToFourCC = Chr$(mbytes(lPosition + 0)) + Chr$(mbytes(lPosition + 1)) + Chr$(mbytes(lPosition + 2)) + Chr$(mbytes(lPosition + 3))
    End If
End Function

'* Name:        FourBytesToLong
'* Description: Read four bytes and convert to a 32-bit Long
Private Function FourBytesToLong(ByVal lPosition As Long) As Long
    Dim lWork As Long
    Debug.Assert lPosition >= 0
    lWork = mbytes(lPosition)
    lWork = lWork * 256 + mbytes(lPosition + 1)
    lWork = lWork * 256 + mbytes(lPosition + 2)
    lWork = lWork * 256 + mbytes(lPosition + 3)
    FourBytesToLong = lWork
End Function

'* Name:        ReadByteFile
'* Description: Read a file's contents into a byte array
Private Function ReadByteFile(ByVal sFileName As String) As Byte()
    Debug.Assert fso.FileExists(sFileName)

    Dim fileNum As Integer
    Dim bytes() As Byte

    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open sFileName For Binary As fileNum
    ReDim bytes(LOF(fileNum) - 1)
    Get fileNum, , bytes
    Close fileNum

    ReadByteFile = bytes
End Function

'* Name:        BytesToLong
'* Description: Convert a stream of bytes to a 32-bit Long
Private Function BytesToLong(ByRef bytes() As Byte, ByVal cBytes As Long, ByRef plPosition As Long, Optional bLittleEndian As Boolean = False) As Long
    BytesToLong = 0
    Dim lLoop As Long
    If bLittleEndian Then
        For lLoop = cBytes - 1 To 0 Step -1
            BytesToLong = BytesToLong * 256 + bytes(plPosition + lLoop)
        For lLoop = 0 To cBytes - 1
            BytesToLong = BytesToLong * 256 + bytes(plPosition + lLoop)
    End If

    plPosition = plPosition + cBytes
End Function

'* Name:        BytesToLongPtr
'* Description: Convert a long stream of bytes to a long point (LongPtr) to try to to break out of 32-bit Long boundary
Private Function BytesToLongPtr(ByRef bytes() As Byte, ByVal cBytes As Long, ByRef plPosition As Long, Optional bLittleEndian As Boolean = False) As LongPtr
    BytesToLongPtr = 0
    Dim lLoop As Long
    If bLittleEndian Then
        For lLoop = cBytes - 1 To 0 Step -1
            BytesToLongPtr = BytesToLongPtr * 256# + bytes(plPosition + lLoop)
        For lLoop = 0 To cBytes - 1
            BytesToLongPtr = BytesToLongPtr * 256# + bytes(plPosition + lLoop)
    End If

    plPosition = plPosition + cBytes
End Function

'* Name:        BytesToLongArray
'* Description: Convert a long stream of bytes to an array of long to break out of 32-bit Long boundary
Private Function BytesToLongArray(ByRef bytes() As Byte, ByVal cBytes As Long, ByRef plPosition As Long, Optional bLittleEndian As Boolean = False) As Long()
    Dim cLongs As Long
    cLongs = cBytes \ 4 + 1
    ReDim alReturn(0 To cLongs - 1) As Long
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = 0 To cBytes - 1
        alReturn(lLoop) = BytesToLong(bytes, cBytes, plPosition, bLittleEndian)
    Next lLoop
    BytesToLongArray = alReturn
End Function

'* Name:        RemoveReports
'* Description: Clear down our workbook of previous reports
Private Sub RemoveReports()
    On Error GoTo SingleExit
    Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For lLoop = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.count To 1 Step -1
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(lLoop)
        If Left$(ws.Cells(1, 1), 5) = Chr$(60) & "mpeg" Then
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

'* Name:        BytesToVeryLongDecimalString
'* Description: Converts a long string of bytes into a decimal string
'* Dependency:  Requires Python COM Class found in file to be registered
Private Function BytesToVeryLongDecimalString(ByRef bytes() As Byte, ByVal cBytes As Long, ByRef plPosition As Long, Optional bLittleEndian As Boolean = False) As String
    BytesToVeryLongDecimalString = ""

    If bLittleEndian Then
        'not yet implemented
        Static server As Object
        If server Is Nothing Then
            Set server = VBA.CreateObject("PythonInVBA.PythonBigNumbersComServer")
        End If

        Dim lLoop As Long
        ReDim bytessubarray(0 To cBytes - 1) As Byte
        For lLoop = 0 To cBytes - 1
            bytessubarray(lLoop) = bytes(plPosition + lLoop)
        Next lLoop

        BytesToVeryLongDecimalString = server.LongByteArrayToDecimalString(bytessubarray)
    End If

    plPosition = plPosition + cBytes
End Function

Finally, I hived off data specific to me in a module called modMyFiles. This is to emphasise that your files will be located elsewhere.

modMyFiles module

Option Explicit

'* Module Name: modMyFiles
'* Copyright 2nd November 2019
'* Description:
'*  This module simply contains file locations of mp4 files to work with
'*  It allows me to isolate the details of my files, as opposed to your files dear reader

Public Function MyMepgFiles() As Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim dic As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dic = New Scripting.Dictionary
    '* these will differ for you, dear reader!
    dic.Add "C:\Users\Simon\Documents\Expression\Expression Encoder\Output\ENVY 01-11-2019 22.03.33\newsnight.mp4", ""

    Set MyMepgFiles = dic

End Function

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