The VBA code below will inspect the text, hyperlinks and borders of an Excel range on a worksheet and convert to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) for use in an HTML context.
I wanted more diagrams on my blog and I knew I wanted to use SVG but I did not want to wrestle with an HTML artwork package such as InkScape. I felt the Excel worksheet grid is a perfectly good way to layout a diagram so Excel is my authoring tool. You can see an example of a diagram converted to SVG, below is a screenshot of the original Excel worksheet. Even further below is the source code.
Note: to get working in a blog I have had to remove the namespaces. It is nice to see hyperlinks working albeit I used javascript when then the anchor element did not render.
![]() |
Option Explicit
'* Tools->References
'* Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'* Microsoft Xml v6.0
Sub Test()
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim sSVGPath As String
sSVGPath = "N:\InterfaceDiagram6.svg"
Dim txtOut As Scripting.TextStream
Set txtOut = fso.CreateTextFile(sSVGPath)
txtOut.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""no""?>"
txtOut.WriteLine "<svg:svg id='Simon1' xmlns:svg="""" xmlns:xlink=''>"
txtOut.WriteLine "<svg:g id='Simon2' transform='scale(2)' >"
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook 'Set wb = Workbooks(1)
Dim sht1 As Excel.Worksheet
Set sht1 = wb.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
Dim vRegions As Variant
vRegions = Array(Array(sht1.Range("b4:c13"), "Group1"), _
Array(sht1.Range("d2:f20"), "Group2"), _
Array(sht1.Range("g2:h20"), "Group3"))
Test2 txtOut, vRegions
txtOut.WriteLine "</svg:g >"
txtOut.WriteLine "</svg:svg>"
Set txtOut = Nothing
Dim dom As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Set dom = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Debug.Assert dom.Load(sSVGPath)
Debug.Assert dom.parseError = 0
End Sub
Sub Test2(txtOut, ByVal vRegions As Variant)
Dim vRegionsLoop
For Each vRegionsLoop In vRegions
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Set rng = vRegionsLoop(0)
Dim sRegionId
sRegionId = vRegionsLoop(1)
txtOut.WriteLine "<svg:g id='" & sRegionId & "' >"
Dim rngLoop As Excel.Range
For Each rngLoop In rng.Cells
txtOut.Write BordersToSvg(rngLoop)
txtOut.Write TextToSvg(rngLoop)
txtOut.WriteLine "</svg:g >"
End Sub
Function TextToSvg(ByVal rng As Excel.Range) As String
Debug.Assert rng.Rows.Count = 1
Debug.Assert rng.Columns.Count = 1
Dim sText As String
sText = rng.Value2
If Len(sText) > 0 Then
Dim fill As String
fill = "fill:#000000"
If rng.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
Dim lnk As Excel.Hyperlink
Set lnk = rng.Hyperlinks.Item(1)
Dim javascript As String
javascript = " ondblclick="""" & lnk.Address & "")"" " & vbNewLine
javascript = javascript & " onmouseover=""['fill']='#ffc000';console.log(['fill']);"" " & vbNewLine
javascript = javascript & " onmouseout=""['fill']='#2288bb';console.log(['fill']);"" " & vbNewLine
fill = "fill:#2288bb"
End If
Dim fnt As Excel.Font
Set fnt = rng.Font
Dim fntPx As Long
fntPx = fnt.Size * 1 ' 4# / 3#
Dim fntStyle As String
fntStyle = "font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:" & fntPx & "px;line-height:1.25;font-family:sans-serif;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;" & fill & ";fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
Dim x
x = rng.Left
Dim y
y = rng.Top + rng.Height
Dim sId As String
sId = VBA.Replace(rng.Address, "$", "")
Dim s As String
s = vbNewLine
s = s & "<svg:text id='" & sId & "txt' x='" & x & "' y='" & y & "' style='" & fntStyle & "' " & javascript & " >" & vbNewLine
s = s & "<svg:tspan id='" & sId & "tspan' x='" & x + 1.25 & "' y='" & y - 2 & "' >" & sText & "</svg:tspan>" & vbNewLine
s = s & "</svg:text>" & vbNewLine
End If
TextToSvg = s
End Function
Function BordersToSvg(ByVal rng As Excel.Range) As String
Debug.Assert rng.Rows.Count = 1
Debug.Assert rng.Columns.Count = 1
Dim dicKeyedByStyle As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dicKeyedByStyle = New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim vEdges As Variant
vEdges = Array(xlEdgeLeft, xlEdgeTop, xlEdgeBottom, xlEdgeRight)
Dim vEdges2 As Variant
vEdges2 = Array("xlEdgeLeft", "xlEdgeTop", "xlEdgeBottom", "xlEdgeRight")
Dim lEdgeLoop As Long
For lEdgeLoop = 7 To 10
Dim brd As Excel.Border
Set brd = rng.Borders.Item(lEdgeLoop)
If Not IsNull(brd.TintAndShade) Then
Dim sLine As String
sLine = ""
If lEdgeLoop = xlEdgeBottom Then
sLine = "M " & rng.Left & "," & rng.Top + rng.Height & " L " & rng.Left + rng.Width & "," & rng.Top + rng.Height
ElseIf lEdgeLoop = xlEdgeTop Then
sLine = "M " & rng.Left & "," & rng.Top & " L " & rng.Left + rng.Width & "," & rng.Top
ElseIf lEdgeLoop = xlEdgeLeft Then
sLine = "M " & rng.Left & "," & rng.Top & " L " & rng.Left & "," & rng.Top + rng.Height
ElseIf lEdgeLoop = xlEdgeRight Then
sLine = "M " & rng.Left + rng.Width & "," & rng.Top & " L " & rng.Left + rng.Width & "," & rng.Top + rng.Height
End If
Dim sStyleKey As String
sStyleKey = "stroke-width:1;stroke:#" & Right$("000000" & Hex$(brd.Color), 6) & ";" & VBA.IIf(brd.LineStyle <> 1, "stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:2,2;stroke-dashoffset:0", "")
If dicKeyedByStyle.Exists(sStyleKey) Then
dicKeyedByStyle(sStyleKey) = dicKeyedByStyle(sStyleKey) & " " & sLine
dicKeyedByStyle(sStyleKey) = sLine
End If
End If
Dim lStyleLoop As Long
For lStyleLoop = 0 To dicKeyedByStyle.Count - 1
Dim vUniqueStyle As Variant
vUniqueStyle = dicKeyedByStyle.Keys()(lStyleLoop)
Dim sId As String
sId = "id=""" & VBA.Replace(rng.Address, "$", "") & "_" & lStyleLoop & """"
Dim sStyle As String
sStyle = " style=""" & vUniqueStyle & """ "
Dim sSvgHtml As String
sSvgHtml = "<svg:path " & sId & sStyle & " d=""" & dicKeyedByStyle(vUniqueStyle) & """/>"
BordersToSvg = BordersToSvg & sSvgHtml & vbNewLine
End Function
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