In a previous post I showed how to call .NET reflection from VBA to get a list of methods of the .NET System.Collections.* classes. I wanted the method list because I felt deprived without the VBA Intellisense. Once I had the ArrayList's class's method list (included in listing) I could start to play around and write some sample code against the ArrayList class. Enjoy!
Sample System.Collections.ArrayList code
' ArrayList Adapter(?)
' Int32 Add(?)
' Void AddRange(?)
' Int32 BinarySearch(?)
' Int32 BinarySearch(?,?)
' Int32 BinarySearch(?,?,?,?)
' Void Clear()
' Object Clone()
' Boolean Contains(?)
' Void CopyTo(?)
' Void CopyTo(?,?)
' Void CopyTo(?,?,?,?)
' Boolean Equals(?)
' IList FixedSize(?)
' ArrayList FixedSize_2(?)
' Int32 get_Capacity()
' Int32 get_Count()
' Boolean get_IsFixedSize()
' Boolean get_IsReadOnly()
' Boolean get_IsSynchronized()
' Object get_Item(?)
' Object get_SyncRoot()
' IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
' IEnumerator GetEnumerator(?,?)
' Int32 GetHashCode()
' ArrayList GetRange(?,?)
' Type GetType()
' Int32 IndexOf(?)
' Int32 IndexOf(?,?)
' Int32 IndexOf(?,?,?)
' Void Insert(?,?)
' Void InsertRange(?,?)
' Int32 LastIndexOf(?)
' Int32 LastIndexOf(?,?)
' Int32 LastIndexOf(?,?,?)
' IList ReadOnly(?)
' ArrayList ReadOnly_2(?)
' Void Remove(?)
' Void RemoveAt(?)
' Void RemoveRange(?,?)
' ArrayList Repeat(?,?)
' Void Reverse()
' Void Reverse(?,?)
' Void set_Capacity(?)
' Void set_Item(?,?)
' Void SetRange(?,?)
' Void Sort()
' Void Sort(?)
' Void Sort(?,?,?)
' IList Synchronized(?)
' ArrayList Synchronized_2(?)
' Object[] ToArray()
' Array ToArray(?)
' String ToString()
' Void TrimToSize()
Sub Test()
Dim obj As Object
Set obj = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
obj.Add 20
obj.Add 16
obj.Add 12
obj.Add 8
obj.Add 4
Debug.Assert obj.Count() = 5
Debug.Assert obj.Item(2) = 12
'* try finding a value in the ArrayList,
'* we need to call the two argument overload (the one argument version errors)
Debug.Assert obj.IndexOf(12, 0) = 2
'* we can sort the ArrayList
Debug.Assert obj.Item(0) = 4
Debug.Assert obj.Item(4) = 20
'* we can remove an item (cool)
Debug.Assert obj.Item(1) = 8
Debug.Assert obj.Count = 5
obj.RemoveAt 1
Debug.Assert obj.Item(1) = 12
Debug.Assert obj.Count = 4
'* we can reverse the ArrayList
Debug.Assert obj.Item(3) = 4
Debug.Assert obj.Item(0) = 20
'* converting to an ordinary array
Dim oArray() As Variant
oArray() = obj.ToArray()
Debug.Assert oArray(3) = 4
End Sub
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