Monday 20 March 2017

Using WMI to query Registry for Type Libraries (like Tools->References)

All sorts of wonderful things are accessible via GetObject and then using a custom object activation schema, one day I will itemise all those that I have seen. In the meantime here is an example of querying the Registry using WMI to illustrate its usage.

The code loop through the typelib key in that part of the registry that handles COM. What we can output is something very similar to the Tools->References dialog box in VBA; and if we dump to sheet then we can easily search.

Option Explicit
Option Private Module

Private Const HKCR = &H80000000

'* Late binding but one could use a Type library reference
'* Microsoft WMI Scripting V1.2 Library
Private oWMIReg As Object                          '* Late bound
'Private oWMIReg As WbemScripting.SWbemObjectEx     '* Early bound

Private lPass As Long
Private lRows As Long
Private vOutput

Private Enum coColumnOrdinals
    coGuid = 1
    coMax = coHelpdir
End Enum

'* Entry Point
Sub Main()
    Dim sComputer As String
    sComputer = "."
    Set oWMIReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
            sComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
    Debug.Assert TypeName(oWMIReg) = "SWbemObjectEx"
    Dim sKeyPath As String
    sKeyPath = "TypeLib"
    Dim vTypeLibraryGuids As Variant
    Call oWMIReg.EnumKey(HKCR, sKeyPath, vTypeLibraryGuids)
    For lPass = 0 To 1
        lRows = 0
        Dim vTypeLibraryGuidsLoop As Variant
        For Each vTypeLibraryGuidsLoop In vTypeLibraryGuids
            ReadTypeLibGuid sKeyPath, vTypeLibraryGuidsLoop
        Next vTypeLibraryGuidsLoop
        If lPass = 0 Then ReDim vOutput(1 To lRows, 1 To coMax)
    Next lPass
    Dim vColHeaders As Variant
    vColHeaders = Array("Guid", "Version", "Description", "PIAName", _
            "PIACodeBase", "Win32", "Win64", "Flags", "HelpDir")
    Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, coMax).Value = _
        Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(vColHeaders)) '* 1d to 2d
    Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Offset(1).Resize(lRows, coMax).Value = vOutput

End Sub

'* Handles reading the type library details given a HKCR\typelib\{guid}
Sub ReadTypeLibGuid(ByVal sKeyPath As String, ByVal sTypeLibraryGuid As String)

    Dim sPath As String
    sPath = sKeyPath & "\" & sTypeLibraryGuid

    Dim vVersions As Variant
    Call oWMIReg.EnumKey(HKCR, sPath, vVersions)
    If Not IsNull(vVersions) Then
        Dim vVersionLoop As Variant
        For Each vVersionLoop In vVersions
            ReadTypeLibVersion sPath & "\" & vVersionLoop, sTypeLibraryGuid, _
        Next vVersionLoop
    End If

End Sub

'* Handles reading the type library version details
'* given a HKCR\typelib\{guid}\{version}
Function ReadTypeLibVersion(ByVal sPath2 As String, _
            ByVal vTypeLibraryGuidsLoop2 As String, ByVal vVersionLoop2 As String)

    lRows = lRows + 1
    If lPass = 1 Then
        vOutput(lRows, coGuid) = vTypeLibraryGuidsLoop2
        vOutput(lRows, coVersion) = vVersionLoop2
    End If
    ReadTypeLibVersionValues sPath2

    ReadTypeLibVersionKeys sPath2

End Function

'* Handles reading the type library version keys
'* given a HKCR\typelib\{guid}\{version}
Function ReadTypeLibVersionKeys(ByVal sPath2 As String)
    Dim vVersionDetailKeys As Variant
    Call oWMIReg.EnumKey(HKCR, sPath2, vVersionDetailKeys)
    If Not IsNull(vVersionDetailKeys) Then
        Dim vVersionDetailKeysLoop As Variant
        For Each vVersionDetailKeysLoop In vVersionDetailKeys
            Dim bIsWellKnownKey As Boolean
            bIsWellKnownKey = FoundInPipes("Flags|Helpdir", vVersionDetailKeysLoop)
            If lPass = 1 Then
                If bIsWellKnownKey Then
                    Select Case LCase(vVersionDetailKeysLoop)
                    Case "flags"
                        Dim sFlags As String
                        sFlags = GetRegString(sPath2 & "\Flags", "")
                        vOutput(lRows, coFlags) = sFlags
                    Case "helpdir"
                        Dim sHelpdir As String
                        sHelpdir = GetRegString(sPath2 & "\Helpdir", "")
                        vOutput(lRows, coHelpdir) = sHelpdir
                    Case Else
                    End Select
                End If
            End If
            If Not bIsWellKnownKey And IsNumeric(vVersionDetailKeysLoop) Then
                If lPass = 1 Then
                    If Len(vOutput(lRows, coDescription)) > 0 Then

                        FindWin3264 sPath2 & "\" & vVersionDetailKeysLoop
                    End If
                End If
            End If

        Next vVersionDetailKeysLoop
    End If

End Function

'* Handles reading the type library version values
'* given a HKCR\typelib\{guid}\{version}
Function ReadTypeLibVersionValues(ByVal sPath2 As String)
    Dim vVersionDetailValues As Variant
    Call oWMIReg.EnumValues(HKCR, sPath2, vVersionDetailValues)
    Dim sDesc As String
    If IsNull(vVersionDetailValues) Then
        If lPass = 1 Then
            sDesc = GetRegString(sPath2, "")
            vOutput(lRows, coDescription) = sDesc
        End If
        Dim vVersionDetailValueLoop As Variant
        For Each vVersionDetailValueLoop In vVersionDetailValues
            If lPass = 1 Then
                Select Case True
                Case Len(vVersionDetailValueLoop) = 0
                    sDesc = GetRegString(sPath2, "")

                    vOutput(lRows, coDescription) = sDesc
                Case vVersionDetailValueLoop = "PrimaryInteropAssemblyName"
                    Dim sPIA As String
                    sPIA = GetRegString(sPath2, "PrimaryInteropAssemblyName")

                    vOutput(lRows, coPIAName) = sPIA
                Case vVersionDetailValueLoop = "PrimaryInteropAssemblyCodeBase"
                    Dim sPIACodeBase As String
                    sPIACodeBase = GetRegString(sPath2, _

                    vOutput(lRows, coPIACodeBase) = sPIACodeBase
                Case Else
                End Select
            End If
        Next vVersionDetailValueLoop
    End If
End Function

'* Syntactic sugar to compact code
Function GetRegString(ByVal sPath As String, sValue As String) As String
    Dim sRet As String

    oWMIReg.GetStringValue HKCR, sPath, sValue, sRet
    GetRegString = sRet
End Function

'* Handles reading the win32 and win64 keys under the version key
Function FindWin3264(ByVal sPath As String)

    Dim vPlatforms As Variant: vPlatforms = Empty
    Call oWMIReg.EnumKey(HKCR, sPath, vPlatforms)
    If IsNull(vPlatforms) Then
        Dim sPlatform As String: sPlatform = ""
        sPlatform = GetRegString(sPath & "\" & "win32", "")
        vOutput(lRows, coWin32Binary) = sPlatform
        sPlatform = GetRegString(sPath & "\" & "win64", "")
        vOutput(lRows, coWin64Binary) = sPlatform

        Debug.Assert Len(vOutput(lRows, coWin32Binary)) + _
                Len(vOutput(lRows, coWin64Binary)) > 0
        Dim vPlatformLoop As Variant
        For Each vPlatformLoop In vPlatforms
            If Not FoundInPipes("Flags", vPlatformLoop) Then

                Dim sPlatformLoop As String: sPlatformLoop = ""
                sPlatformLoop = GetRegString(sPath & "\" & vPlatformLoop, "")

                If LCase(vPlatformLoop) = "win32" Then
                    vOutput(lRows, coWin32Binary) = sPlatformLoop
                ElseIf LCase(vPlatformLoop) = "win64" Then
                    vOutput(lRows, coWin64Binary) = sPlatformLoop
                End If
            End If
    End If

End Function

'* Syntactic sugar to wrap Instr
Function Found(ByVal String1 As String, ByVal String2 As String, _
        Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare) As Boolean
    Found = (InStr(1, String1, String2, Compare) > 0)
End Function

'* Syntactic sugar to wrap Instr
Function FoundInPipes(ByVal String1 As String, ByVal String2 As String, _
        Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare) As Boolean
    FoundInPipes = _
        (InStr(1, "|" & String1 & "|", "|" & String2 & "|", Compare) > 0)
End Function

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