Have you ever pondered writing your own chart logic? Unlikely if you use Excel VBA given Excel's excellent chart support. However, I have been looking at writing a XAML graph control but I wanted to road test some logic in VBA first. The first problem I encountered is how to pick nice numbers for your graph axis, the algorithm is not obvious and I had to google before I found a popular answer on Stack Overflow.
So below I have given a VBA equivalent, sort of. The original given code was quite classy when it needn't be given that we are not holding state. I think a functional implementation is more appropriate and so I have written the VBA as a series of functions for a standard module. Also, I wanted to call from the worksheet.
One other point to note is that I have been influenced by Python of late; in Python one can return a tuple from a function which is a plural of return values. In VBA, we can use the Array() function to pack values into an equivalent of a tuple, a one-dimensional variant array.
Option Explicit
'* with thanks to
Public Function CalculateNiceScale(ByVal dMin As Double, ByVal dMax As Double, Optional maxTicks As Long = 10)
Dim tickSpacing As Double
Dim range As Double
Dim niceMin As Double
Dim niceMax As Double
Dim tickCount As Double
range = niceNum(dMax - dMin, False)
tickSpacing = niceNum(range / (maxTicks - 1), True)
niceMin = Math_Floor(dMin / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing
niceMax = Math_Ceiling(dMax / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing
tickCount = (niceMax - niceMin) / tickSpacing
CalculateNiceScale = Array(tickSpacing, niceMin, niceMax, tickCount, dMin, dMax, maxTicks)
End Function
Private Function Math_Floor(ByVal dIn As Double) As Double
Math_Floor = Application.WorksheetFunction.Floor(dIn, 1)
End Function
Private Function Math_Ceiling(ByVal dIn As Double) As Double
Math_Ceiling = Application.WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(dIn, 1)
End Function
Private Function Math_Log10(ByVal dIn As Double) As Double
Math_Log10 = Log(Abs(dIn)) / Log(10)
End Function
Private Function niceNum(range As Double, round As Boolean) As Double
Dim exponent As Double ' /** exponent of range */
Dim fraction As Double ' /** fractional part of range */
Dim niceFraction As Double ' /** nice, rounded fraction */
exponent = Math_Floor(Math_Log10(Abs(range)))
fraction = range / 10 ^ exponent
If round Then
If fraction < 1.5 Then
niceFraction = 1
ElseIf fraction < 3 Then
niceFraction = 2
ElseIf fraction < 7 Then
niceFraction = 5
niceFraction = 10
End If
If fraction <= 1 Then
niceFraction = 1
ElseIf fraction <= 2 Then
niceFraction = 2
ElseIf fraction <= 5 Then
niceFraction = 5
niceFraction = 10
End If
End If
niceNum = niceFraction * 10 ^ exponent
End Function
Sub testCalculateNiceScale()
Dim v
v = CalculateNiceScale(-0.085, 0.173)
PrintResults v
End Sub
Sub testCalculateNiceScale2()
Dim v
v = CalculateNiceScale(1.2813, 1.331, 8)
PrintResults v
v = CalculateNiceScale(1.2813, 1.331)
PrintResults v
End Sub
Sub PrintResults(v)
Debug.Print "min:" & v(4)
Debug.Print "max:" & v(5)
Debug.Print "maxTicks:" & v(6)
Debug.Print "TickSpacing:" & v(0)
Debug.Print "NiceMin:" & v(1)
Debug.Print "NiceMax:" & v(2)
Debug.Print "TickCount:" & CInt(v(3))
End Sub