Wednesday 18 April 2018

COM - Windows - WOW32_64 - Isolate legacy 32-bit component from 64-bit clients by using a surrogate process

On StackOverflow, the problem of 64bit vs 32bit for VBA programming arises quite often on SO. I can't claim this will be a definitive blog post but here I gather some thoughts and links that I believe would lead to generic solution.

Firstly, Microsoft has not left 32-bit components completely hanging. It does have an inter-operability technology for this, its called Windows on Windows (WOW), this was invented for the 16bit vs 32bit years ago. WOW also exists for the 32-bit vs 64-bit, it sometimes called Wow64_32 to distinguish from previous generation.

You would have thought Wow64_32 would be enough for 32-bit components to be inter-operable in-process for 64 bit clients. Unfortunately one cannot load win32 modules into a win64 process space. Instead one must use a surrogate as outlined in this article Registering the DLL Server for Surrogate Activation. Using a surrogate process means one can keep 32-bit components separate from 64-bit clients.

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