Wednesday 8 March 2017

Stop Using Scripting.Dictionary as an Array?

My code uses Scripting.Dictionary a lot, perhaps too much.  Of late, I was wondering if I could wean myself off this dependency.

When called to explain some usages I say that I really like using the Items() or the Keys() methods, they provide an array of variants ready to be pasted onto a sheet.

The bulk setter method for a Range is Range.Value (or Range.Value2).  I had thought that only a variant array works with this.  In the experiment below it turns out that one can supply an array of Strings, Dates, Double, Booleans etc.

It turns out the performance between pasting an array and pasting the Items from a Dictionary are very similar.  There is one key difference though for Dates, the Dictionary's output will format them as Dates whereas pasting an array of dates gives you doubles. A further experiment where we store dates in an array of Variants fixes the formatting bug (TIP!).

Later in the code are timing procedures, adjusting for a "cold start" it seems we can say that they are similarly fast.

So I guess only use Dictionary if you need the Exists() method because this is a feature that an array does not have.  Also from a strong typing point of view the Array does indicate its type (except where you use the tip of storing dates in variant for fixing format bug, see above).

Here is the code and you'll need a class from a Stack Overflow answer.  When pasted in run the procedure TestAll() with F5.

Option Explicit
Option Private Module

Private m_wsWork As Excel.Worksheet

Private Property Get mwsWork() As Excel.Worksheet
    If m_wsWork Is Nothing Then
        Set m_wsWork = Sheet3 '* &lt----- different for you
    End If
    Set mwsWork = m_wsWork
End Property

Private Sub TestAll()
    TestArrayOfDates '* formats dates as double, boo!
    TestArrayOfDatesInVariants  '* formats dates as dates, hooray!
    TestDictionaryOfDates '* formats dates as dates
    '* TIMIMGS
    '* warning, it seems the memory allocator needs to "warmed up"
    '* because the top of the following list suffers a cold start penalty
    '* (perhaps OS context switch is responsible)
    Dim l: For l = 1 To 20: TestTimingsOfDoubles False: Next l
    Debug.Print vbNewLine & "Timings:{"
    TestTimingsOfLongs True
    TestTimingsOfBooleans True
    TestTimingsOfDates True
    TestTimingsOfDatesInVariants True
    TestTimingsOfStrings True
    TestTimingsOfDoubles True
    Debug.Print "}"
End Sub

Private Sub TestArrayOfStrings()

    Dim lLoop As Long

    Dim arrayOfStrings() As String
    For lLoop = 1 To 5
        ReDim Preserve arrayOfStrings(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
        arrayOfStrings(lLoop) = Chr$(64 + lLoop)
    Next lLoop

    mwsWork.Cells(1, 1).Value = "ArrayOfStrings"
    mwsWork.Cells(1, 2).Resize(1, 5).Value = arrayOfStrings
End Sub

Private Sub TestDictionaryOfStrings()

    Dim lLoop As Long
    Dim dicOfStrings As New Scripting.Dictionary
    For lLoop = 1 To 5
        dicOfStrings.Add dicOfStrings.Count, Chr$(64 + lLoop)
    Next lLoop

    mwsWork.Cells(3, 1).Value = "DictOfStrings"
    mwsWork.Cells(3, 2).Resize(1, 5).Value = dicOfStrings.Items
    'mwsWork.Cells(4, 2).Resize(1, 5).Value = dicOfStrings.Keys  '* Keys() also exports paste-able array
End Sub

Private Sub TestArrayOfDates()

    Dim lLoop As Long

    Dim arrayOfDates() As Date
    For lLoop = 1 To 5
        ReDim Preserve arrayOfDates(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
        arrayOfDates(lLoop) = Now() + lLoop
    Next lLoop

    mwsWork.Cells(6, 1).Value = "ArrayOfDates"
    mwsWork.Cells(6, 2).Resize(1, 5).Value = arrayOfDates  '* despite use of Value and not Value2 dates get pasted as doubles
End Sub

Private Sub TestArrayOfDatesInVariants()

    Dim lLoop As Long

    Dim arrayOfDatesInVariants() As Variant
    For lLoop = 1 To 5
        ReDim Preserve arrayOfDatesInVariants(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
        arrayOfDatesInVariants(lLoop) = Now() + lLoop
    Next lLoop

    mwsWork.Cells(7, 1).Value = "ArrayOfDatesInVariants"
    mwsWork.Cells(7, 2).Resize(1, 5).Value = arrayOfDatesInVariants  '* despite use of Value and not Value2 dates get pasted as doubles
End Sub

Private Sub TestDictionaryOfDates()
    'Debug.Assert VarType(Now() + 1) = vbDate   '* so we know the Dictionary is storing a date in its variant

    Dim lLoop As Long
    Dim dicOfDates As New Scripting.Dictionary
    For lLoop = 1 To 5
        dicOfDates.Add dicOfDates.Count, Now() + lLoop
    Next lLoop

    mwsWork.Cells(8, 1).Value = "DictOfDates"
    mwsWork.Cells(8, 2).Resize(1, 5).Value = dicOfDates.Items  '* gets pasted as dates

End Sub

Private Sub TestTimingsOfStrings(Optional bPrintResults As Boolean)
    Dim n As Long
    Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor '

    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For n = 1 To 1000
        Dim dicOfStrings As Scripting.Dictionary
        Set dicOfStrings = New Scripting.Dictionary
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            dicOfStrings.Add dicOfStrings.Count, Chr$(64 + lLoop)
        Next lLoop
    Dim vTimings(1 To 2) As Variant
    vTimings(1) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    Dim arrayOfStrings() As String
    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    For n = 1 To 1000
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            ReDim Preserve arrayOfStrings(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
            arrayOfStrings(lLoop) = Chr$(64 + lLoop)
        Next lLoop
    vTimings(2) = oPM.TimeElapsed

    If bPrintResults Then Debug.Print "Strings:{Dict:" & vTimings(1) & ", Array:" & vTimings(2) & "}"
    Set oPM = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub TestTimingsOfDates(Optional bPrintResults As Boolean)
    Dim n As Long
    Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor '

    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    Dim lLoop As Long
    Debug.Assert VarType(Now() + 1) = vbDate   '* so we know the Dictionary is storing a date in its variant
    For n = 1 To 1000
        Dim dicOfDates As Scripting.Dictionary
        Set dicOfDates = New Scripting.Dictionary
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            dicOfDates.Add dicOfDates.Count, Now() + lLoop
        Next lLoop
    Dim vTimings(1 To 2) As Variant
    vTimings(1) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    Dim arrayOfDates() As Date
    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    For n = 1 To 1000
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            ReDim Preserve arrayOfDates(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
            arrayOfDates(lLoop) = Now() + lLoop
        Next lLoop
    vTimings(2) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    If bPrintResults Then Debug.Print "Dates:{Dict:" & vTimings(1) & ", Array:" & vTimings(2) & "}"
    Set oPM = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub TestTimingsOfDoubles(Optional bPrintResults As Boolean = False)
    Dim n As Long
    Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor '

    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For n = 1 To 1000
        Dim dicOfDoubles As Scripting.Dictionary
        Set dicOfDoubles = New Scripting.Dictionary
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            dicOfDoubles.Add dicOfDoubles.Count, 42802.6794444444
        Next lLoop
    Dim vTimings(1 To 2) As Variant
    vTimings(1) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    Dim arrayOfDoubles() As Double
    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    For n = 1 To 1000
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            ReDim Preserve arrayOfDoubles(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
            arrayOfDoubles(lLoop) = 42802.6794444444
        Next lLoop
    vTimings(2) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    If bPrintResults Then Debug.Print "Doubles:{Dict:" & vTimings(1) & ", Array:" & vTimings(2) & "}"
    Set oPM = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub TestTimingsOfLongs(Optional bPrintResults As Boolean)
    Dim n As Long
    Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor '

    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For n = 1 To 1000
        Dim dicOfLongs As Scripting.Dictionary
        Set dicOfLongs = New Scripting.Dictionary
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            dicOfLongs.Add dicOfLongs.Count, 130691232#
        Next lLoop
    Dim vTimings(1 To 2) As Variant
    vTimings(1) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    Dim arrayOfLongs() As Long
    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    For n = 1 To 1000
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            ReDim Preserve arrayOfLongs(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
            arrayOfLongs(lLoop) = 130691232#
        Next lLoop
    vTimings(2) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    If bPrintResults Then Debug.Print "Longs:{Dict:" & vTimings(1) & ", Array:" & vTimings(2) & "}"
    Set oPM = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub TestTimingsOfBooleans(Optional bPrintResults As Boolean)
    Dim n As Long
    Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor '

    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    Dim lLoop As Long
    For n = 1 To 1000
        Dim dicOfBooleans As Scripting.Dictionary
        Set dicOfBooleans = New Scripting.Dictionary
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            dicOfBooleans.Add dicOfBooleans.Count, True
        Next lLoop
    Dim vTimings(1 To 2) As Variant
    vTimings(1) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    Dim arrayOfBooleans() As Boolean
    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    For n = 1 To 1000
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            ReDim Preserve arrayOfBooleans(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
            arrayOfBooleans(lLoop) = True
        Next lLoop
    vTimings(2) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    If bPrintResults Then Debug.Print "Booleans:{Dict:" & vTimings(1) & ", Array:" & vTimings(2) & "}"
    Set oPM = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub TestTimingsOfDatesInVariants(Optional bPrintResults As Boolean)
    Dim n As Long
    Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor '

    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    Dim lLoop As Long
    Debug.Assert VarType(Now() + 1) = vbDate   '* so we know the Dictionary is storing a date in its variant
    For n = 1 To 1000
        Dim dicOfDates As Scripting.Dictionary
        Set dicOfDates = New Scripting.Dictionary
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            dicOfDates.Add dicOfDates.Count, Now() + lLoop
        Next lLoop
    Dim vTimings(1 To 2) As Variant
    vTimings(1) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    Dim arrayOfDates() As Variant
    Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
    For n = 1 To 1000
        For lLoop = 1 To 50
            ReDim Preserve arrayOfDates(1 To lLoop) '* Does this copy the array every time?
            arrayOfDates(lLoop) = Now() + lLoop
        Next lLoop
    vTimings(2) = oPM.TimeElapsed
    If bPrintResults Then Debug.Print "DatesInVariants:{Dict:" & vTimings(1) & ", Array:" & vTimings(2) & "}"
    Set oPM = Nothing
End Sub

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