Wednesday 1 February 2017

Reading a Directory Listing for Excel VBA code module files using VBA

If like me you are an Excel VBA developer and you code long enough with a codebase you get to the point when you'll need to clean the code.  Cleaning a VBA codebase requires exporting modules, deleting them and re-importing them.  You can get addins that do this for you or you can write your own quite simply.

When exporting the modules I tend to create a temp directory which means I have very many VBA module on my machine.  Sometimes I like to go browse code I have already written for re-use.   It would be nice to get a list of every VBA module on a drive.  This is today's post.

I've seen people write code to iterate through folders and files many times but this is tedious and actually not asynchronous or multi-threadable.  I like to use the command DIR *.* /s > c:\temp\cdrive_star_dot_star.txt to scan the whole hard drive into a text file, this is great for one part of the long running task as can be run in its own separate window but we'll still need code to loop through the piped output file.

The code will parse the directory output file and write to a sheet, but we add some value in that we look for .bas and .cls files, i.e. VBA files, but we ensure they are genuine VBA files by reading the first line and checking.  The results are written to Sheet1 periodically, the code uses DoEvents to stay responsive so you can begin browsing the results whilst the code is running.  Enjoy!

Option Explicit

Private m_fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Private msDIR As String

Sub Test()

    '* my blog does not like angle brackets - grrrr!
    msDIR = " " & Chr$(60) & "DIR" & Chr$(62) & " "

    '* ASSUMES YOU HAVE DONE c:\dir *.* /s > c:\temp\cdrive_star_dot_star.txt

    Dim sPipedOutputPath As String
    sPipedOutputPath = "c:\temp\cdrive_star_dot_star.txt"
    'sPipedOutputPath = "c:\temp\cdrive_test.txt"
    sPipedOutputPath = "c:\temp\cdrive_test2.txt"
    Dim dicLongListResults As Scripting.Dictionary
    Debug.Assert m_fso.FileExists(sPipedOutputPath)
    ReadDirForwardSlashS sPipedOutputPath, dicLongListResults
    Debug.Assert dicLongListResults.Count = _
      Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
End Sub

Sub PasteResults(ByVal dicLongListResults As Scripting.Dictionary, _
          ByVal lResultIndex As Long)
    If dicLongListResults.Count > 0 Then
        Dim vResults As Variant
        vResults = Application.Transpose(dicLongListResults.Keys)
        Dim rngOrigin As Excel.Range
        Set rngOrigin = Sheet1.Cells(lResultIndex, 1)
        Debug.Assert IsEmpty(rngOrigin.Value)
        rngOrigin.Resize(dicLongListResults.Count) = vResults
    End If

End Sub

Function ReadDirForwardSlashS(ByVal sPipedOutputPath As String, _
                ByRef pdicLongListResults As Scripting.Dictionary)

    Dim lResultIndex As Long: lResultIndex = 1
    Dim lSavedResultIndex As Long: lSavedResultIndex = 1
    Dim dicInterimResults As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dicInterimResults = New Scripting.Dictionary
    If m_fso.FileExists(sPipedOutputPath) Then
        Dim txtIn As Scripting.TextStream
        Set txtIn = m_fso.OpenTextFile(sPipedOutputPath)
        Set pdicLongListResults = New Scripting.Dictionary
        Dim lLineNumber As Long
        lLineNumber = 0
        Dim sLine As String
        sLine = txtIn.ReadLine
        While Not txtIn.AtEndOfStream
            lLineNumber = lLineNumber + 1
            Dim bIsFileHeader As Boolean
            bIsFileHeader = IsFileHeader(sLine, lLineNumber)
            Dim bIsBlankLine As Boolean
            bIsBlankLine = IsBlankLine(sLine)
            Dim sDirectory As String
            Dim bIsDirectoryHeader As Boolean
            bIsDirectoryHeader = IsDirectoryHeader(sLine, sDirectory)
            Dim bIsTrailerLine As Boolean
            bIsTrailerLine = IsTrailerLine(sLine)
            If bIsTrailerLine Then
                PasteResults dicInterimResults, lSavedResultIndex
                lSavedResultIndex = lResultIndex
            End If
            Dim bIsEntryLine As Boolean
            bIsEntryLine = (Not bIsFileHeader) And (Not bIsDirectoryHeader) And _
                    (Not bIsTrailerLine) And (Not bIsBlankLine)
            Dim bIsFileLine As Boolean
            bIsFileLine = IsFileLine(bIsEntryLine, sLine)
            If bIsFileLine Then
                Dim sFileName As String
                sFileName = Trim$(Mid$(sLine, 37))
                Dim sLastFourChars As String
                sLastFourChars = Right$(sFileName, 4)
                Dim lFileTypeFound As Long
                lFileTypeFound = InStr(1, "|.bas|.cls|", "|" & sLastFourChars & _
                            "|", vbTextCompare)
                If lFileTypeFound > 0 Then
                    Dim lFileType As Long
                    lFileType = (lFileTypeFound - 1) / 5
                    Dim sFullPath As String
                    sFullPath = m_fso.BuildPath(sDirectory, sFileName)
                    Debug.Assert m_fso.FileExists(sFullPath)
                    Dim txtFileContents As Scripting.TextStream
                    Set txtFileContents = m_fso.OpenTextFile(sFullPath)
                    If Not txtFileContents.AtEndOfStream Then
                        Dim sTopLine As String
                        sTopLine = txtFileContents.ReadLine
                        Dim bIsVBAFile As Boolean
                        If lFileType = 0 Then
                            bIsVBAFile = (Left$(sTopLine, 19) = "Attribute VB_Name =")
                            bIsVBAFile = (Left$(sTopLine, 17) = "VERSION 1.0 CLASS")
                        End If
                        Set txtFileContents = Nothing
                        If bIsVBAFile Then
                            pdicLongListResults.Add sFullPath, lFileType
                            dicInterimResults.Add sFullPath, lFileType
                            lResultIndex = lResultIndex + 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            sLine = txtIn.ReadLine
        Set txtIn = Nothing
    End If

End Function

Function IsTrailerLine(ByVal sLine As String) As Boolean
    If (VBA.InStr(1, sLine, "File(s)", vbTextCompare) > 0) Then
        IsTrailerLine = True
    End If
End Function

Function IsBlankLine(ByVal sLine As String) As Boolean
    IsBlankLine = (Len(Trim(sLine)) = 0)
End Function

Function IsFileLine(ByVal bIsEntryLine As Boolean, ByVal sLine As String) As Boolean
    If bIsEntryLine Then
        If (VBA.InStr(1, sLine, msDIR, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
            IsFileLine = True
        End If
    End If
End Function

Function IsSubdirectoryLine(ByVal bIsEntryLine As Boolean, ByVal sLine As String) As Boolean
    If bIsEntryLine Then
        If (VBA.InStr(1, sLine, msDIR, vbTextCompare) > 0) Then
            IsSubdirectoryLine = True
        End If
    End If
End Function

Function IsDirectoryHeader(ByVal sLine As String, ByRef psDirectory As String) As Boolean
    If VBA.InStr(1, sLine, " Directory of ", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        psDirectory = Trim(Mid$(sLine, 15))
        IsDirectoryHeader = True
    End If
End Function

Function IsFileHeader(ByVal sLine As String, ByVal lLineNumber As Long) As Boolean
    If lLineNumber <= 2 Then
        IsFileHeader = (VBA.InStr(1, sLine, " Volume ", vbTextCompare) > 0)
    End If
End Function

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